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玻璃杯和玻璃瓶怎么会空?Why are the glass and decanter empty?

真相隐藏在表象之底。Truth lies the bottom of the decanter.

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这个细颈瓶可装入一大瓶酒。This decanter will hold a large bottle of wine.

玻璃瓶和玻璃杯都已完全空了。The decanter and the glass were completely empty.

磨边一个威士忌滗水器创建了一个独特的形状。Squaring a whiskey decanter creates a unique shape.

所用的茶具为青花梧桐滗盂、汤瓯、泥壶。Used for the blue and white tea cup Decanter Indus, soup bowl, mud pots.

他们喜欢喝酒,所以细颈酒瓶是最好的结婚礼物。They love drinking wine, so a decanter would be the perfect wedding gift.

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旋转式滗水器是SBR工艺处理法中重要装置。The revolving water decanter is an important equipment in the SBR process.

威廉先生假装不小心用酒瓶碰着了桌子。Mr Williams made a feint of accidentally knocking the table with a decanter.

白葡萄酒魔术醒酒器,有着不同的内部尺寸和流速。Magic Decanter for White Wine has different internal dimensions and flow rates.

文章重点介绍套筒式滗水器的设计及应用。The design and application of a new style SBR water decanter was studied in this paper.

从上面看下去,那酒几乎是黑色的,但在酒瓶里却亮晶晶地像红宝石。Seen from the top the stuff looked almost black, but in the decanter it gleamed like a ruby.

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此产品有一个过滤网,可以去除软木塞的碎屑和酒瓶中的沉淀物。It has a filter that impedes possible impurities such as cork remainders or residue in the decanter.

宝禄爵的发言人宣布,白金汉宫已经特别预订了一款该酒厂无年份的香槟,作为婚礼当天的指定用酒之一。A spokesman for Pol Roger told Decanter. com a non-vintage had specifically been requested by the Palace.

经过麦汁成型罐即输送到沉淀槽。分离热凝固物和清亮的麦汁。From the formation vessel there is transport to the decanter. It provides the separation of trub and clear wort.

此种滗水器具有运行稳定、控制简单、不漏水、水流运动平稳、不扰动污泥层等特点。This kind of water decanter working steadily, easy control, no leakage, flow smoothly and not disturb the sludge.

喃喃地说着莫名其妙的话,竹君探手入怀,摸出了一个精致的玉瓶。If mumblingly mentioning is elusive, the bamboo gentleman explores to go into a bosom and touches a fine jade decanter.

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加宽的瓶口便于葡萄酒的引入与斟出,有若圣女身躯般美妙的曲线让醒酒变得如此具有艺术气息。The widen glass cup is easier for wine pouring in and out, like the beauty curve line, which makes the decanter an art.

店员不仅可以给你提供专业的葡萄酒杯,还会为你准备冰桶、醒酒器等侍酒的专业服务。In order to make your tasting even more enjoyable, the shop assistant will offer you top wine glasses, decanter and sommelier service.

添加光泽的结晶,套装功能后视镜和内部照明和金属搭扣举行到位的滗水器。Adding to the luster of the crystal, the coffret features mirrors and internal lighting and a metal clasp to hold the decanter in place.