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音调优美的。EF-a tale of melodic.

这声音清脆悦耳,真好听。The sound is so clear and melodic.

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然而它同时又具有节奏性和旋律性。Yet it's rhythmic and melodic at the same time.

在爵士乐中,即兴反复片段是一个简单的曲调音型。In jazz music, a riff ias simple melodic figure.

本体是一个旋律死亡金属乐队由芬兰。Noumena is a melodic death metal band from Finland.

口哨的音色悦耳动听,抒情性极强,极富歌唱性。The sound of whistle is euphonious , emotional, and melodic.

难道是因为朗诵可兰经诗篇时有音乐伴奏吗?Was it because of the Quranic verses read in melodic background?

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这首曲目中有着很浓厚的东方色彩与情调,极富音乐性。It is a very melodic piece with a strong oriental color and style.

“这个词是一个意大利音乐术语,意思为”循环的旋律片段“。Ostinato is an Italian music term that means a recurring melodic fragment.

一些意义深远,音调优美的词组经常触动着我。I am often struck by new phrases that are profoundly meaningful and melodic.

当然,旋律具有引人入胜的感觉,扣人心弦,令人欲罢不能。And of course, a sense of melodic seduction that grabs on and can't be shaken.

雄性海豹能发出的有旋律的颤音,在水下能传播数�。Males are known for their melodic trills , which travel many miles underwater.

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香橼绿茶是日本煎绿茶和香橼果实的混合。Citron Green is a melodic blend of Japanese sencha green tea with citrus fruit.

他的音乐因美妙和谐的旋律和情感深受人们喜爱。His music is well loved in part because of its melodic and emotional harmonies.

他的歌剧作品诙谐幽默、热情奔放,旋律流畅、戏剧性强。His opera works are humorous, passionate and dramatic, and full of melodic fluency.

一个很有前景的刺激反应模型衍生的治疗方法是旋律吟诵法。A promising modification of the stimulus-response model is Melodic Intonation Therapy.

声乐曲中旋律线上的精致的装饰音,特别是歌剧中女高音的演唱。Elaborate coloration of the melodic line, especially in operatic singing by a soprano.

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动物的叫声多种多样,一些旋律优美的叫声甚至能激发作曲家的创作灵感。There are a huge variety of calls and the more melodic ones have even inspired composers.

其旋法特点是节奏基本相同,而各乐句的旋律音调、落音不同。The melodic characteristics lie in the identical rhythm and different tunes and falls of notes.

在调整中获取你的身体告诉你失去自己的旋律跳动尊巴!Get in tune with what you're body's telling you and lose yourself in the melodic beats of Zumba!