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除了你未点燃的那一盏。Except the one you unlit.

是谁同我一起住在这没有光明的地方Who share the unlit place with me

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“逗我玩呢!”我讨厌用这种方式的人!SO, I'll play this game with he, unlit he hate!

房子只两层,楼梯上没有灯。There were only two floors, and the stairs were unlit.

左边六根不发光的柱子那里是一个大型板球运动馆。The six unlit towers on the left surround a large cricket stadium.

我拥有满天星辰,但我为我家居未点亮的小灯而轻叹。I have stars in the sky but oh for my little lamp unlit in my house.

输入通道,并采取在墙上的熄灭火炬直接在你面前。Enter the passage and take the unlit TORCH on the wall directly in front of you.

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一名女性火炬手坐在轮椅中手持火炬时,火苗似乎并未在燃烧。At one point, the torch appeared unlit while being carried by a woman in a wheelchair.

2009年地球一小时活动期间,洛杉矶市政厅建筑陷入了黑暗之中,看起来似乎与夜空融为了一体。During Earth Hour 2009, Los Angeles' unlit City Hall building seemed to fade into the night sky.

避免撞上已经亮灯的细胞,因为这将根据他们再次与你将失去一些生活和点。Avoid hitting already unlit cells, as this will light them again and you will lose some life and points.

在战斗时,盗贼的敌人目标指示会出现5个蓄力灯。During combat, when a rogue engages their opponent, the enemy target indicator will have 5 unlit bubbles.

这种印象随着导游和我发现自己被锁在一个黑暗的没有钥匙的大厅里而加剧了。This impression was further amplified when my guide and I found ourselves locked in the unlit hall without a key.

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我跟随着隐约听到的音乐走进了漆黑的巷子,突然在居民楼之下出现了灯火通明的婚宴。I padded down unlit alleys towards a thread of music, and emerged beneath flat-blocks to see a floodlit wedding feast.

我跟随着隐约听到的音乐走进了漆黑的巷子,突然在居民楼之下出现了灯火通明的婚宴。I padded down unlit alleys towards a thread of music, and emerged beneath flat-blocks to see a floodlit wedding feast.

“我回来了”,她边喊边登上楼梯,她在二楼的房间没有亮灯,邻居们从他们自己的屋子里探出头来和她打招呼。Jin yells, as she climbs the unlit stairs to her second-floor room. Neighbors' heads pop out of their rooms to greet her.

荒庙的神,许多节日悄然来到。许多没有灯被点亮的礼拜夜晚在流逝。Many a festival day comes to you in silence, deity of the ruined temple. Many a night of worship goes away with lamp unlit.

另一个方法是演员自始自终都用不发光的剑刃,转描机动画家会画上发光的剑刃。The other method involved the actor using an unlit blade throughout, and the rotoscope artist would draw the growing blade.

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然后她还呼吁从不安全的游乐场设备到灯不亮的公园都应防止出现儿童创伤的其他原因。Then she moved on to preventing other causes of trauma injuries to children, from unsafe playground equipment to unlit parks.

吉米诺布被一辆由一个男子和他的5岁儿子驾驶的汽车撞倒,周一天黑之后,在一段没有光亮的高速路上。Jigme Norbu was hit after dark on Monday on the side of the unlit highway by a car driven by a man with his five-year-old son.

在光线黯淡的小店里,店主出售炸薯片、雪茄、香烟、苹果,还有瓶子上积满灰尘的百事可乐,他照样盯着我们看。Storekeepers in tiny, unlit shops sell crisps, chewing tobacco, cigarettes, apples and Pepsi in dusty-topped bottles – and stare.