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他就是设圈套者。He was the spider.

蜘蛛吐丝结网。A spider spins a web.

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蜘蛛会结网。A spider can spin a web.

那里有一只大黑蜘蛛。It's a huge black spider.

蜘蛛悬在一根丝上。The spider hung by a thread.

那只蜘蛛正在结网。The spider was spinning a web.

蜘蛛张着凸出的腹部。The spider has a bulgy abdomen.

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蜘蛛从她的网上摇摆。The spider dangles from her web.

秋季是蜘蛛繁殖的季节。Autumn is spider breeding season.

他是斯拜德·凯利的得意门生。He was Spider Kelly's star pupil.

什么是日本蜘蛛蟹?What is the Japanese Spider Crab?

老天,四个地穴蜘蛛在休息!Heaven, four popular Spider rest !

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蜘蛛网轻拂我的前额。The spider web brushed my forehead.

我看见一只蜘蛛猴在我身边荡来荡去。I see a spider monkey swinging by me.

彩色蜘蛛丝所料材质,可回收。Colorful spider silks can be recycled.

交叉双腿会导致静脉曲张?Does crossing legs cause spider veins?

斯拜德。凯利不仅记得科恩。Spider Kelly not only remembered Cohn.

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蜘蛛能用蜘蛛网抓住昆虫。The spider can catch insects by cobweb.

哪里日语蜘蛛蟹活?Where does the Japanese Spider Crab Live?

那蜘蛛身上有带双纹。The spider has the body with double lines.