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性冲动本能的力量是什么?What are libidinal forces?

力比多的是兽性的那部分。The libidinal is the animal part.

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这是对应兴奋性客体建立起的自我的部分。Libidinal Ego. It is the part of the Ego or Self that is allied with the Exciting Object.

别的类型的爱会,像力比多一样有其负面么?Can the other types of love have this kind of negative side to them as the libidinal does?

我们说装配基本上是生命力及无意识。装配是个人的无意识。We say that the assemblage is fundamentally libidinal and unconscious. It is the unconscious in person.

他指出这些力比多驱力可能与现有的文明行为规范相抵触,这些规范在精神结构当中表现为超我。Freud pointed out that these libidinal drives can conflict with the conventions of civilized behavior, represented in the psyche by the superego.

反原欲自我对原欲自我及相关联的兴奋性客体有着坚决的敌意。It takes the form of the Anti-Libidinal Ego having 'an uncompromisingly hostile attitude' towards the Libidinal Ego and its associated Exciting Object.

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我想在这停一下因为你在某处说,有了厄洛斯的性爱,我们可以享受与某人在,一起的快乐,而对他/她没有力比多的欲望。And here I want to stop because at some point you say that with the erotic we can enjoy the presence of someone for whom we don't have libidinal desires.

人在做,天在看,彪悍跋扈的韩江也从没想过自己会被欲望无情吞噬。The person is being done, the day is looking, biao Han's rampant Han Jiang never also has thought him to be able to be gobbled up by libidinal callosity.

当前世爱恋与统治欲望相互碰撞,层层迷雾环绕其中,欲望的尽头终究将如何演变?Current generation is in love with to collide each other with regnant desire, layer upon layer dense fog surrounds among them, how will libidinal end evolve after all?

由于客体内化过程中,客体和一部分自体的渊源关系,同样的态度也就朝向了原欲自我和反原欲自我。Because when internalised the object is allied to a part of the self this same 'attitude of rejection' is directed towards the Libidinal Ego and the Anti-Libidinal Ego.