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在火成岩系列中最常见的侵入体是花岗岩。Irruptive rock body reservoir is one of important volcanic rock reservoirs.

杨成武和战士们冲入院中,制止其残忍的行径。Yang Chengwu and soldiers are irruptive in the courtyard, check its ferocious act.

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如病情需要,可用少量温热黄酒冲入服用。If the illness needs, usable a few tepid yellow rice or millet wine are irruptive take.

金矿类别主要为变质火山岩及碎屑岩型金矿和侵入岩有关类型金矿。The main types of goldmine are metamorphic-rock & kataclastic-rock goldmine and irruptive rock goldmine.

肿瘤可侵蚀基底的骨质,也可突入皮肤,使其变薄,甚至坏死出血。Tumor can erode the bone of base, also but irruptive skin, make its attenuate, necrotic even haemorrhage.

传统上对侵入岩体各亚相带的研究和判断,主要通过钻井取心来认识。Traditionally various subphase belts for irruptive rock body are studied and analyzed by mainly drilling well and coring.

只是不知道准备开始做站的时候,其他的加盟网都以大实力,大资金冲入了这个行业。When just knowing to prepare to begin to make a station, join in otherly net with great actual strength, big fund is irruptive this industry.

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公元前30年罗马执政屋大维出兵侵入埃及,从此罗马统治达600余年,使埃及成为当时主要的基督教国家之一。Sends army to irruptive Egypt, from now on Rome rules to amount to more than 600 years, making Egypt become one of the main Christendoms at that time.

这样既可以防止外气从大门直冲入客厅,同时也可令狭窄的玄关不显得太逼仄。The gas outside can preventing already so from the gate straight irruptive sitting room, also can make at the same time narrow porch does not appear too narrow.

本部分在定义非法侵入计算机信息系统罪的概念的基础上,对该罪的四个要件进行了论述。Four important item that this part is on the definition the concept's foundation of the offense of illegal and irruptive calculator information system, proceeds to that offense treatise.