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土著居民日落时的舞蹈能把灰尘扬起来。Aborigines kick up dust in a dance at sunset.

奴役住族「制劳动」。Enslavement of Aborigines through forced labor.

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山地居民在河边台地开垦出一畦畦的水田。Aborigines developed these paddy fields beside a river.

温带果树富裕了山地居民的生活。Temperate-zone fruit trees have brought prosperity to many aborigines.

来访者可以琢磨琢磨土著人在库克时期用的回飞镖。The visitor can ponder over the boomerangs used by aborigines at the time of Cook.

长于地底探源的考古学家,希望找到信而有徵的先住民遗物。Archaeologists hope to find more evidence about the origins of Taiwan's aborigines.

另有人宣称,土著人剥光了遇难者的衣服,把他们当奴隶对待。Others claim the Aborigines stripped the castaways naked and treated them as slaves.

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当地的土著人和非欧洲人不能享有平等的权利。Still, the indigenous Aborigines and non-Europeans were not granted with equal rights.

澳大利亚总理陆克文对过去虐待土著人致歉。Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologises for the past mistreatment of Aborigines.

澳洲土著人谈论“灵魂”-关于储藏在土地里的一种种子的力量。The Australian Aborigines speak of jiva or guruwari, a seed power deposited in the earth.

原住民和他们的白人支持者将一起游行要求自由的权力。Aborigines and their liberal white supporters once marched together to demand their rights.

类似的,在澳大利亚和新西兰,有提升的毛利人和澳大利亚土著。In parallel manner in Australia and New Zealand, there are ascending Maoris and Aborigines.

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这里有41万土著,政府正在尽力保护土著的权利。Aborigines number 410,000, and the government is making efforts to settle aboriginal land rights.

澳大利亚的土著更久呢,40000-50000年前他们就在澳大利亚形成了游牧社群。Australian Aborigines are far older, they formed hunting societies 40000-50000 years ago in Australia.

除了我们过来的北面方向,往任何方向走上五英里,都有路通向土著人中间。Five miles in any direction, except north, the way we came, leads one into the midst of the Aborigines.

摩尔称,这一活动能为土著居民提供大量的工作机会。Mr Moore said there were particularly great job opportunities for Aborigines who joined in the project.

第二章讲述荷兰东印度公司征服南部原住民的过程。The second chapter talks about the process how the East India Company conquered the southern aborigines.

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我轻咳一声,凑近了楼西月,“东土人民要不要太奔放了。I lightly cough 1 and pressed close building west month, "east aborigines the people want don't too free."

日本军国主义者殖民台湾原住民族的历史真相,远不仅止于此。The crimes of Japanese militarism in subjugating Taiwan's Aborigines were by no means confined to the above.

当年,澳大利亚当局把年幼的原住民子女从亲生父母的手中强行带走,交给白人家庭抚养。These were young Aborigines taken forcibly from their families by the authorities and placed in foster homes.