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你说说看。You said to discern.

他能分清是非。He can discern between right and wrong.

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虽然有雾,但他们能认得出我。They can discern me in spite of the fog.

她想方设法要了解他内心深处的想法。She sought to discern his inmost thoughts.

他应该辨清你的真实面目。He must discern thee in thy true character.

语义技术可以辨明真相。Semantic technology can discern what it is.

如何辨别壳牌机油的真假?。How to discern the true and false shell oil?

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可以隐约觉得有一点柠檬味。One can faintly discern the flavour of lemon.

学会辨别真假,交些真正的朋友吧。Learn how to discern and develop true friends.

挑战在于如何辩别消费者的意图。The challenge is to discern consumers' intent.

我们不会从某个男人或女人身上认出任何丑行的标志。We discern no badge of infamy on man or woman.

也能知道点曲人的心情。I can discern the moods of the patrons as well.

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分辨人须从分辨诸灵开始。Discern life needs start from discerning spirit.

他在黑暗中勉强能辨出道路。He was just able to discern the road in the dark.

难分辨的是开放凹坑的底部。One can hardly discern the bottom of the open pit.

他能看到前面森林里有一线微弱的灯光。He could discern a faint light ahead in the forest.

一匹狼,它与他的距离是这么近,以至于艾伦足以辨别它的性别——一只母狼。A wolf, and close enough to discern its sex—a female.

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亚伯拉罕老仆人如何明白神的带领?How did Abraham's old servant discern God's guidance?

如今你们应该也看到了太子和太子妃了。You should also discern prince and princess even now.

你能识别出你的敌人正在损害你吗?Can you discern that your enemies are doing harm to you?