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他的资本被骗光了,他回到家里。He came home shorn of its capital.

“至少,这一面是剪过的,”麦克先生说。" They have been shorn on this side, at any any, " said Mr. Mack.

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“至少,它们的这侧被剪过。”麦克先生说。"They have been shorn on this side, at any rate, " said Mr. Mack.

他本以为我们会上当,可是吃大亏的反而是他。He thought we would be taken in, but on the contrary, it was he who got shorn.

那个剪头发的女人把剪断的头发往各个方向投去。The woman doing the cutting tossed the shorn hair in every direction as she cut.

他在twitter上还称,剪下的头发将捐献给一家未知慈善机构进行拍卖。He also tweeted that the shorn locks were being donated to an unnamed charity for auction.

她自己戴一顶小扁帽,遮住她的光头,她仍旧是美丽的。She put on little round caps which concealed her shorn head, and in which she was still pretty.

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除去金融体制的复杂性,金融业处于两个残酷的力量之中。Shorn of all its complexity, the finance industry is caught between two brutally simple forces.

在霍普兰德研究与推广中心里,几只刚剪了羊毛的绵羊正在一座小山上吃草。A handful of recently shorn sheep grazes on a hill at the Hopland Research and Extension Center.

此时的景象和人们所习惯的白雪覆盖山顶的壮丽形象虽然有所不同,但仍不失巍峨庄严。It may have been shorn of its customary snow-capped splendour, but it was still a majestic sight.

大多数人认为,绵羊的毛过多负担过重,因此需要修剪。Most people believe that sheep are overburdened with too much wool and therefore need to be shorn.

自上世纪60年代末,居住在斯德哥尔摩的帕兹便成为瑞典首相的御用理发师。The Stockholm-based Patzer has shorn the locks of every Swedish prime minister since the late 1960s.

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他们将在没有战争负罪感和战后依赖感的情况下,寻求调整与美国的联盟关系。They will seek to recalibrate an alliance with the US shorn of wartime guilt and postwar dependence.

立陶宛人,剪掉了他们在苏联占领时的中层,因外国的感受而被铭记。Lithuanians, shorn of their middle class under Soviet occupation, are impressed by experience abroad.

当他们经过铁路边的一群羊时,怀尔说,“那些羊刚剪过毛。”As they passed a flock of sheep near the railway line Mr. Wild said, "Those sheep have just been shorn."

她的头发被剃掉后额头上就会露出烙印来,她将令你这个二十一世纪的人为她流泪。When her hair is shorn so that her forehead may be branded, she will cry your twenty-first century tears.

即使除去雷曼最坏资产,但是在没有政府的支援下上述两家银行都不愿意收购雷曼。Both were unwilling to buy the firm, even shorn of the worst bits, without some sort of government backstop.

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缺少了通常印刷工具的效果,这些产品上的电子书变成了单调的大段文字。Shorn of the usual typographic tools, e-books on these devices have turned into monotonous blocks of characters.

只要我们以谦逊和实用主义的精神来应对这项任务,并摆脱意识形态的有色眼镜,我们就能够做到。We can do so, provided we approach the task in a spirit of humility and pragmatism, shorn of ideological blinkers.

撕去了魔力与浪漫面纱的北极之旅变成了对这样的男性和女性而言过分残酷的现实。Shorn of its glamour and romance, Arctic travel became to them a reality too harsh for their manhood and womanhood.