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就赠与而言,赠物本身要交付给受赠人。In the case of a gift the thing itself passes to the donee.

捐献者和被捐献者存在某种对立的利益关系,明白了?The donor and the donee sort of have opposing interests, right?

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受赠人应受领交付并接收所有权的转移。The donee must take delivery and accept the transfer of ownership.

在确定受赠人可以合理期待何种质量时,除其他因素外,还应考虑。In determining what qualities the donee could reasonably expect, regard is to be had, among other things, to.

在进行器官移植的过程中,器官移植的供体、受体及其家属享有知情权。The donator and donee ar well as the relatives enjoy the right of knowing about organ transplant in the process.

赠与附义务的,受赠人应当按照约定履行义务。Where the gift is subject to obligations, the donee shall perform his obligations in accordance with the agreement.

第一百八十六条赠与人在赠与财产的权利转移之前可以撤销赠与。具有救灾、扶贫等社会公益、道德义务性质的赠与合同或者经过公证的赠与合同,不适用前款规定。A gift contract is a contract whereby the donor conveys his property to the donee without reward and the donee manifests his acceptance of the gift.

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第二十二条受赠人应当公开接受捐赠的情况和受赠财产的使用、管理情况,接受社会监督。Article 22 The donee shall be subjected to public supervision, making public the donations received and the use and control of the donated property.

第十六条受赠人接受捐赠后,应当向捐赠人出具合法、有效的收据,将受赠财产登记造册,妥善保管。Article 16 When a donee receives a donation, he shall give the donor a lawful and valid receipt, keep a register of the donation and take good care of it.

然而,若婚事告吹的原因是受礼者不忠或其他过失导致,让受礼者保留戒指也是不公平的。These same judges think it would be unfair for the donee to keep the ring if the engagement was broken because of the donee's unfaithfulness or other wrongdoing.

但对某些法官而言,永远让送礼者讨回戒指也是不公平的,尤其当受礼者一方是准备了要结婚的,只是送礼者改变了主意。To some judges, it isn't fair that the donor should always get the ring back, especially if the donee stood ready to go ahead with the marriage and the donor broke it off.

第二十条受赠人每年度应当向政府有关部门报告受赠财产的使用、管理情况,接受监督。Article 20 The donee shall be subjected to supervision by the relevant government department, submitting to it a report annually on the use and control of the donated property.

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赠与人故意不告知瑕疵或者保证无瑕疵,造成受赠人损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。Where the donor intentionally omits to inform the donee of the defect or warranted the absence of any defect, thereby causing losses to the donee, he shall be liable for damages.

赠与人故意不告知瑕疵或者保证无瑕疵,造成受赠人损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。Where the donor intentionally omitted to inform the donee of the defect or warranted the absence of any defect, thereby causing loss to the donee, he shall be liable for damages.

捐赠的公益事业工程项目竣工后,受赠单位应当将工程建设、建设资金的使用和工程质量验收情况向捐赠人通报。Upon completion of the donated public welfare project, the donee shall inform the donor of the construction, use of the funds and checking and acceptance of the construction quality.

赠与人故意不告知瑕疵或者保证无瑕疵,造成受赠人损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。Where the donor forbears from informing the donee of the defect or warrants the non-occurrence of any defect, thereby causing loss to the donee, the donor shall be liable for damages.

捐赠人应当依法履行捐赠协议,按照捐赠协议约定的期限和方式将捐赠财产转移给受赠人。The donor shall fulfill the donation agreement in accordance with law, and send the property donated to the donee within the time limit and in the form specified in the donation agreement.

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公益捐赠合同除作为其合同主体的捐赠人和受赠人外,还涉及受益人这一公益捐赠合同关系人。The contract of a beneficial donation relates not only to both the donor and the donee as contracted subjects, but also to the donee as the beneficiary of a beneficially contracted relation.

对于不易储存、运输和超过实际需要的受赠财产,受赠人可以变卖,所取得的全部收入,应当用于捐赠目的。Where the property donated is not preservable or transportable or exceeds the actual need, the donee may sell it, and all the income therefrom shall be used for purposes as designed by donation.