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婴儿溅唾液于围兜上。The baby beslavered his lib.

呼喊是“哎呦”在不断地重复。The yell is "ouch" repeated ad lib.

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将共享库应用到应用程序。Apply the shared lib to the application.

自由民主党也就写了个大结局。The Lib Dems just wrote its natural ending.

但是大多数认为这会有利于自民党的发展。But most assume it would boost the Lib Dems.

而且自由民主党在民意调查中是侮辱性的失败了。And the Lib Dems got all this despite flopping at the polls.

我是说,能掌控政权的总是保守党、工党和自由民主党。I mean, it's always going to be Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem.

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完整的代码在库文献的aspectjLibsrc.zip文件中。file contained in the library contribution.

聚合物电池比金属壳方形电池的机械耐久性更小。LIP cells have less mechanical endurance than metal-can-cased LIB.

是一个新的函数。,So,,malloc,is,a,new,function。,在头文件中定义了标准库作为参考。malloc It's defined in a header file just FYI called standard lib.

ComRes的投票第三次表明人们对民主党民主党的支持增加了。The poll, by ComRes, is the third to show a rise in Lib Dem support.

许多自由民主党人士认为对托利党的抨击是早该进行的好的政治活动。Many Lib Dems argue that Tory-bashing is good politics, and long overdue.

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在这个例子中,所有JAR文件都放在EAR文件包的lib目录中。In this example, all JAR files are placed in the lib directory of the EAR.

之后,MPLS节点将包转发给它的目的地。After consulting the LIB , the MPLS node forwards the packet toward its destination.

自民党在选举期间的大部分时间里只要做到留在选局中就可以。The Lib Dems’ job for most of the time between elections is simply to stay in the game.

妇女解放运动很晚才波及到那个美国城镇,在那儿许多中产阶级妇女也被卷入。Women's lib came late into that US town, where many middle-class women were also drawn in.

萨尔蒙德先生原想归还苏格兰59位国会议员中的20位,而这一梦想估计就快要被民主党人士扑灭了。The Lib Dems have probably scotched Mr Salmond's hopes of returning 20 of Scotland's 59 MPs.

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如果欧洲地区想要变成一个超级州,大多数民主党人不会想英国成为其中一部分。And if the euro zone turns into a superstate, most Lib Dems would not want Britain to follow.

当问及自由民主党有关财产税和土地税的问题时,他们大谈“财政自由主义”风暴。Ask Lib Dems about property and land taxes, and they talk up a storm about "fiscal liberalism".

不应对自民党影响一些诸如反恐的问题感到如此惊奇。But perhaps the Lib Dems’ clout on issues such as counter-terrorism should not be so surprising.