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东海岸是在更新世的冰川作用下形成的。It has been shaped by the Pleistocene Glaciation.

中更新统黄土一般不具有湿陷性。The middle Pleistocene loess has no collapsibility.

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中更新世本区湖沼广布。In middle pleistocene there were widespread lakes and swamps.

第四纪冰期,使许多物种绝灭。Pleistocene glaciation caused the extinction of many species.

第二阶段,在更新世的中期,约七十万年前Phase Two, in the middle Pleistocene phase--700,000 years ago.

第四系上更新统坡积残积土层中。Quaternary upper Pleistocene Series residual soil and slope washes.

新厘定的道堂组的地质时代为中晚更新世。The age of the redefined Daotang Formation is mid-late Pleistocene.

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延怀盆地晚更新世发育湖相沉积。There was lake development during late Pleistocene in the Yanhuai basin.

晚更新世以来湖泊沈积环境波动变化加快。The environment of the Lop Nur Lake was fluctuant since Late Pleistocene.

在北门江流域更新世沉积广布、厚度巨大。In Beimen river basin, the Pleistocene deposits is wild and tremendous thick.

大同-阳原古湖历时二面余万年,至晚更新世末消亡。This lake lasted about two millions years and vanished in the Late Pleistocene.

最晚自中更新世以来西江河床叠置很明显。Xijiang riverbed has obviously superimposed since Middle Pleistocene Epoch at latest.

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它们现在的构造格局基本上是在晚上新世或早更新世奠定的。Their tectonic framework was basically underlain in early Pleistocene or late Pliocene.

一项最近的研究为更新世晚期的捕食者-猎物动力学提供了线索。A recent study has provided clues to predator-prey dynamics in the late Pleistocene era.

其余8枚标本与任何已知的东亚更新世灵长类都对不上号。The remaining eight specimens did not fit with any known east Asian Pleistocene primate.

上新世出现断陷,中更新世成湖。Fault depression took place in Pliocene and the Qinghai Lake formed in Middle Pleistocene.

更新世末期,现代人的崛起也是这样。The same may be said for the emergence of human modernitytoward the end of the Pleistocene.

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山羊围场陨石坑的地面覆盖着自更新世以来的沉积物。The floor of Goat Paddock Crater is covered by sediments deposited since the Pleistocene Epoch.

北门江流域更新世沉积广布、厚度巨大。In the Beimen River basin there is Pleistocene deposit widely spreading with a significant depth.

控制构造变形的主导因素是边界受力方式和非能干性软弱层的纵横向变化。Finally, the present structure pattern of southwestern margin was formed after Latter Pleistocene.