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辞去你的任务。Resigning your commission.

不作为和抽佣的谎言。Lies of omission and commission.

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他以抽取佣金的方式销售汽车。He sells motorcars on commission.

名不乳儿乳佣。Name not breast young commission.

你的信用卡年费是多少?。How much is your annual commission?

我们的价格是净价,不含佣金。Our price is net without commission.

假如佣金升高了,价格也要升高。A higIT commission ways a higIT price.

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我把委任状送到委员会去了。I commit the commission to the committee.

对你的销售额我们将给予1%的佣金。We offer 1% commission on all your sales.

他受委托盖一座楝新桥。Heh ad a commission to build a new bridge.

你知道,我们是依照佣金为基础进口的。As you know, we import on commission basis.

这块地盘已经交给我了,你也同意了。Commission gave it to me, and you approved.

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中介和代理商都替委员会销售。Factor and agents both sell for commission.

但他仍然是军事委员会的成员。But he still sat on the military commission.

他徇私舞弊,是个贪官。Investigation of fraud was their commission.

委员会的主导思想是什么?What was the thinking behind the Commission?

你是拿薪水的,还是拿佣金的?Are you paid on a commission or salary basis?

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佣金补充了他的微薄的薪水。His small salary is augmented by a commission.

这家店代售旧货。The shop sells secondhand goods on commission.

星期一,给该委员会打电话,没人接。Calls to the commission rang unanswered Monday.