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挑战你的想法。Challenge your thoughts.

他提出了一个挑战。He threw out a challenge.

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没有嘲笑的挑战。Challenge without mocking.

我挑战你来一场决斗。I challenge you to a duel.

那么下一个挑战是什么?What’s the next challenge?

但我喜欢美好的挑战。But I like a good challenge.

他的挑战没有得到回答。His challenge drew no reply.

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挑战你的思想和身体。Challenge your mind and body.

听起来像个还不错的挑战。Sounds like a neat challenge.

一个关键挑战是能力。One key challenge is capacity.

仍然严峻。That's the challenge we faced.

我们可以克服任何挑战。We can overcome any challenge.

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巴斯福德对他的挑战表示蔑视。Bassford spat on his challenge.

缐成功需要挑战。Challenge is needed for success.

她带着挑战的目光看着我。She looked at me with challenge.

这就是我们面临的挑战。That is the challenge before us.

但我很感激这个挑战。and I appreciated that challenge.

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千万不要考验我的宽容度。Don't ever challenge my tolerance.

每一次挑战都是机遇。Every challenge is an opportunity.

还是你会去处理这个挑战?Or do you deal with the challenge?