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我父亲是富勒姆足球队的球迷。My father is a Fulham supporter.

然而这个实验在富勒姆的最近一场比赛中失败了。Yet it failed at Fulham recently.

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紧接着第二场比赛,0-1输给了富勒姆。Then came game No2. Fulham 1-0 Arsenal.

老霍在富勒姆的时候跟他已经很熟悉了。Roy Hodgson obviously knows him very well from Fulham.

弗爵爷知道对富勒姆的胜利,并非手到擒来。Sir Alex knows victory over Fulham is far from a formality.

格兰特甚至为富勒姆足球俱乐部做过球场管理员助理。He even worked as assistant groundsman at Fulham Football Club.

我爸是福尔汉姆队的die-hard粉丝,每场比赛都不错过。My dad is a die-hard Fulham fan and he goes to all the matches.

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富勒姆在两队的47场联赛较量中只赢过八场。Fulham have won eight of the 47 League games between the two sides.

马斯切拉诺将会回到周日做客富勒姆的比赛。Mascherano will be back in contention for next weekend's trip to Fulham.

另一只球队的球迷领地比西汉姆联队紧凑,那就是来自泰晤士河畔克拉文农场球场的富勒姆队。Other fanlands are more compact than West Ham's, like that of Fulham FC.

在比赛的上半场,富勒姆队紧凑的保守战略。In the first half of the game, Fulham played a very tight, defensive game.

英超历史上两队在富勒姆的主场还未打成平局。There has not been a draw between the teams at Fulham in the Premier League.

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阿斯顿维拉﹑纽卡斯尔以及富勒姆都已表示有意赵容亨。Aston Villa, Newcastle and Fulham have all expressed interest in his services.

富勒姆后卫孔切斯基很意外的成为了我军的目标。Fulham defender Paul Konchesky has emerged as a surprise target for Liverpool.

多年来,法耶德的放纵在富勒姆他必须有成本数千万元。Over the years, Fayed's indulgence at Fulham must have cost him tens of millions.

富勒姆队展现了精神,而主场的球迷为球队鼓励,可是局势却不很美妙。Fulham showed spirit and were roared on by their fans but it could have got worse.

温格的球队在07-08英超开幕战和福勒姆比赛中的平均年龄是25.5岁。Wenger's team to play Fulham on the opening day of 2007-08 had an average of 25.5.

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我希望富勒姆的球迷们能在这个赛季中享受一些特别时刻。I hope the Fulham fans will enjoy some special times during this season's campaign.

在欧冠淘汰赛首回合开战之前,曼联要去客场挑战富勒姆。Before the first leg of their next Champions League game, United play away at Fulham.

利物浦﹑切尔西以及富勒姆都曾表示希望得到朴周永的加盟。Liverpool, Chelsea and Fulham are all said to have registered interest in his services.