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你已租下这套公寓了吗?Have you occupied this flat?

我今天下午都排满了。I'm fully occupied this afternoon.

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这个地方被邻居占据了。The place is occupied by neighbors.

只有格拉纳达仍未被占领。Granada has yet to be occupied only.

造反派占领了邮局。The rebels occupied the post office.

他说,他的生活完全被台球占据了。He said snooker occupied all his life.

那些知更鸟占了它们的老窝。The robins occupied their former nest.

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她的书占了太多的地方。Her books occupied too abundance space.

她们占领了你的卧室,科琳。They’ve occupied your bedroom, Colleen.

很抱歉,所有的房间都住满了。Sorry, all our rooms are fully occupied.

这张床就占掉了杰克卧房的大半空间。The bed occupied most of Jack's bedroom.

这家宾馆的所有房间都客满了。All the rooms of this hotel are occupied.

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唐太斯的父亲就住在这个房间里。This room was occupied by Dantès' father.

这个游戏让小孩有得忙了。This game will keep the children occupied.

我们的军队解放了许多地区。Our army had liberated many occupied areas.

这些活动占去了她的大部分时间。These activities occupied most of her time.

他埋首于推理小说的写作。He occupied himself writing a mystery story.

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她的书占了太多的场所。Her buttigned texts occupied too much spstar.

学生占领行政大楼。The students occupied the Administration Block.

这所房屋租给我们以前是谁住的?Who occupied this house before it was let to us?