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文盲有依赖性。Illiteracy is dependence.

这就是所谓的盲文文盲。It is called Braille illiteracy.

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我也被我的无知所苦恼。I was also mortified by my illiteracy.

看起来你似乎是个法盲。It seems that you are legal illiteracy.

那么如果只想查看欧洲的文盲率呢?What if you want to see only the illiteracy rate in Europe?

扫盲运动生气勃勃地展开了。The campaign to wipe out illiteracy launched out with great vigour.

是否文盲只在,第三世界的发展中国家存在呢?Is the probably illiteracy confined to third-world developing countries?

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世界上存在很多,文化素养以及文盲的问题存在。Throughout the world, there are literacy and illiteracy substantial problem.

尽管印度容忍异见人士,但它也容忍了低效、疾病和文盲。India tolerated dissent, but it also tolerated inefficiency, disease and illiteracy.

而且,通过将儿童文盲归于历史,我们也将改变贫穷的历史。By consigning childhood illiteracy to history we will help make poverty history too.

她告诉我不能宽容无知,但可以理解文盲。She said that must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy.

图表显示出,欧洲的文盲率远远低于全球水平。The graph shows that illiteracy rates are far lower in Europe than they are worldwide.

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这就从根本上改变了解放前和解放初期聋哑人的文盲状态。This is fundamentally changed before liberation and early liberation deaf-mute illiteracy state.

小学入学率提高使得该地区的文盲率从1997年的42%降低到2002年的35%。The increase contributed to a drop in illiteracy rates from 42 percent in 1997 to 35 percent in 2002.

根据该份报告,保健领域统计知识不足的问题可以从两个方面来看。The problem of statistical illiteracy in health has two sides to it, according to Gigerenzer and his team.

整个国家只有824所学校和2所大学-这里就不用解释为什么会有那么多的文盲了。The whole country only has 824 schools and 2 universities – unnecessary to say illiteracy is a huge problem.

解放初期,农村组织部分文盲妇女组成“识字班”。The liberation of the early part of the Organization of illiteracy among rural women form a "literacy class."

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不过,印度的人权纪录与全国半数文盲,与巴基斯坦相比,没有好到哪里。But India's record on human rights and the illiteracy of half its population is little better than Pakistan's.

凉州区人口数量大,总体教育水平低,文盲率高,人力资源相对贫乏。There is large population, low level of education, high illiteracy rate, lacking human resources in Liangzhou.

但是这些笑声不合语言纯正癖者胃口,他们将LOL作为遍地蔓延的文盲的一个标志。But those laughing least of all are the language purists, who lament "LOL" as a hallmark of creeping illiteracy.