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我爱我的丈夫。I love my husband.

我是劳拉的丈夫。I'm Laras husband.

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丈夫同意了。The husband agreed.

我不能没有我的丈夫。Not with my husband.

她的丈夫老爱打她。Her husband beat her.

我送丈夫出门。I see my husband off.

谁是梅伯的丈夫?。Who is Mabel's husband?

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你丈夫打鼾吗?Does your husband snore?

她的丈夫是个水手。Her husband is a sailor.

她丈夫是个尾桨手。Her husband is a stroke.

她的丈夫是个酒鬼。Her husband was a drunk.

因此丈夫雇了我。So the husband hired me.

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辛迪抵章飞妇是詹姆士。Cindy's husband is James.

她对她丈夫很是崇拜。She worships her husband.

我真爱死我老公了。I love my husband to bits!

她对丈夫不忠。She two-timed her husband.

他是个妻管严。He is a hen-pecked husband.

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她的丈夫是个奥地利人。Her husband is an Austrian.

这书谴责了她的丈夫。The book damns her husband.

他毕竟曾是我的丈夫。He was my husband after all.