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显微视觉系统是微操作机器人不可缺少的组成部分。The micro-vision system is an important part of a micromanipulation robot.

在微操作中,显微视觉系统获取的图像通常是离焦模糊图像。Images acquired by the micro-vision system are usually defocus blurred images in micromanipulation.

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显微立体成像微操作系统上测试了二维微执行器的位移性能。The displacement of the micro actuator is measured by using the stereo vision micromanipulation systems.

电视显微立体成像系统是微操作系统的立体视觉传感器。TV micro stereoscopic imaging system is used as the stereoscopic visual sensor of a micromanipulation system.

针对生物工程领域显微操作的要求和特点,设计并实现了一个显微视觉系统。A micro-vision system was presented to meet the requirements of micromanipulation in the field of bioengineering.

远焦区聚焦性能的改善对于提高显微视觉操作自动化的可靠性尤为重要。This method is particularly important in enhancing reliability of automatic micromanipulation based on microscopic vision.

光纤是光通信领域广泛应用的元件,光镊是非侵入式微操作工具。Optical fibers are widely used in the optical communication field, while optical tweezers are non -invading micromanipulation.

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这里对微装配的必要性、微操作作业的特性及其中的力特性和表面力的消除办法进行了探讨。This paper discusses the need of micro-assembly, the characteristics of micromanipulation and the elimination of surface forces.

本文针对微操作系统的作业标定问题,提出了一种基于游标卡尺和数字图像处理技术的方法。A method based on vernier caliper and digital image processing is introduced aiming at the calibration of micromanipulation system.

介电泳是种非侵入式的微操控术。A non-intrusive micromanipulation technique, dielectrophoresis, can be used to assist the investigation of intracellular adjustment.

是利用显微仪器将精子直接注入卵子内,以提高受孕机会。" Micromanipulation of Sperm" uses microscopic instruments to guide the sperm into the egg to increase the chances of fertilization.

该旋转驱动器在精密运动、微操作、光学工程、精密定位等精密工程中有广阔的应用前景。It can be applied in the field of micromanipulation and precision engineering, such as precision driving and positioning, optics engineering, etc.

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微操作系统是微机械的重要分支,在医疗、生物工程、工业等领域有广泛的应用。Micromanipulation system is an important branch of MEMS and is widely applied in the fields of iatrology , biology engineering, industry and so on.

探讨慢速程序冷冻对透明带显微操作后胚胎冻存率及继续发育的影响。To investigate the effects of freezing and thawing procedure on human embryos survival rate and development after zona pellucida micromanipulation.

首先针对微操作的特点,提出了面向生物工程的微操作机器人机构选用与设计准则。Firstly aiming at the characteristic of micromanipulation, the guidelines for selecting and designing micromanipulation mechanisms for bioengineering are proposed.

根据形状差异和广义图像误差对微操作定位精度的影响,给出了形状差异的矫正算法。A correction algorithm for shape difference is given according to the influence of shape difference and generalized image error on positioning accuracy of micromanipulation.

对微操作在生物工程的作用作了简要叙述,著重介绍了当前国内外微操作机器人系统的发展状况。In this paper, the action of micromanipulation on Bioengineering is listed briefly. The progress of micromanipulator for bioengineering made in the word is emphatically presented.

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微装配是电子制造、微制造、机器人操作等制造领域的共性前沿技术之一,近年来得到了广泛的研究与应用。As one of the common frontier technology of IC manufacturing, micro-manufacturing, and robot manipulation, microassembly and micromanipulation have been researched widely recently.

微操作目标在三维空间的位置应该被实时的跟踪,本文提出了一种基于单目视觉的新颖的三维跟踪技术。In this paper, a novel imaging technique is proposed. This technique tracks 3D coordinates of micro-object for micromanipulation and microassembly using a single optical microscope.

首先总结了国内外微装配机器人系统及其关键技术的研究现状,并列举了部分应用实例。In this paper, the current situation of the microassembly robot and key techniques for micromanipulation is presented, and some corresponding application cases in different fields are introduced.