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他们是他宣教队伍的成员。They were part of his evangelistic team.

他们在英国各地进行福音传教活动。They conducted evangelistic missions around Britain.

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上帝在这个世界的首要工作就是福音化。The work of God in the world is primarily evangelistic.

想要教会不断增长,这些新教会必须传福音热情高涨。To live and grow, these new churches must be filledwith evangelistic zeal.

多年來,我们的教会每年都有福音布道会和洗禮。Over the years, there were always evangelistic meetings and baptisms in our church.

成为门徒的实质就是,我们应是福传式的,也就是使其他人也成为耶稣的门徒。The truth is that we should all be evangelistic towards making people followers of Jesus.

实际上,基督教书籍在传福音工作上的重要性是永远都不能被低估的。In fact, theimportance of the evangelistic function in Christian literature canhardly be overemphasized.

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方舟之家是宣道会沙田堂与突破机构合作而建立的福音站。The Ark Community is an evangelistic institution jointly set up by Shatin Alliance Church and Breakthrough.

印尼布道巡回结束了,现已在吉隆坡机场等候转机回古晋,在印尼时比较没机会上网,所以才没看到我的消息…We have finished our evangelistic concert tour in Indonesia, in transit now at KLIA for our flight back to Kuching.

据以前的电视瘾君子的讲述,经常有一些在酒鬼的匿名会上听到的福音传道者的暗示。The testimonies of ex-television addicts often have the evangelistic overtones of stories heard at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

经过多年聆听福音,2006年开源ILS产品最终赢得了可观的收益。Following many years of near evangelistic rhetoric, 2006 was the year that open source ILS products finally gained a measurable presence.

网络线上游戏是年轻人上网最常进行的消遣活动,但网路游戏中没有任何福音内容来接触年轻人。Playing games is the most common on-line activity for young people. There is NO evangelistic content in Chinese suitable for teen surfers.

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雪梨台福基督教会每年都会举办春节园游会、街头布道、社区传福音活动等福音事工。Every year the EFC of Sydney participates in the Spring Festival StreetFair doing street evangelism and various evangelistic works in the local community.

有人声称“这本书是教会错过的最重要的福音书”但罗琳说圣战有它另一面“至少他们是从神学观点出发来攻击的。”One called the books the "greatest evangelistic opportunity the church has ever missed." But Rowling notes that there was always another side to the holy war.

今年的复活节前夕,一场流感病毒,叫所有小学及幼稚园全面停课。Due to influenza virus burst out during Easter Holiday in April, all primary schools and preschools suspended classes which caused 11 Easter Evangelistic Events to cancel.

弗雷泽认为这主要归功于当时遍布欧洲的修道院网络,之前的几个世纪修道士们都带着福音传道般的热情砍伐森林。Fraser gives much of the credit to networks of monasteries across Europe whose monks have spent the preceding few centuries cutting down Europe's forests with evangelistic zeal.

Keller推行的是坚实的改革宗基督教信仰,其异象不仅涵盖对教义的阐明,还包括敬虔的行为、福音的传扬、和对旁人的怜悯。Keller promotes a robust Reformed Christianity that has a vision that encompasses not only doctrinal statements, but also our piety, evangelistic outreach, and missions of mercy.

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另外一位传道人建议,若我们在晨祷的时候背诵一节经文,在我们这一天的传福音工作中就能很多次用上这节经文。Another suggeststhat if a verse of Scripture is committed to memory in morningdevotions there will usually arise a great many times during theday when it may be used in evangelistic contacts.