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对抗伊朗的俾路支极端分子。Counter Baloch extremism in Iran.

他说,不同信仰之间的合作可以平衡极端主义。He says interfaith cooperation is a way to balance extremism.

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这里是"基地"组织从事极端主义暴力活动的中心。This is the epicenter of violent extremism practiced by al Qaeda.

当然,这对于左的和右的极端派都是一次挫折。Certainly it was a rebuke to extremism on both the left and right.

极端主义给予了他们身份,让他们得以叛逆这两者。Extremism gives them an identity that allows them to rebel against both.

如果埃及陷入混乱,将助长整个地区的极端主义活动。If Egypt devolves into chaos, it will feed extremism throughout the region.

伊拉克正成为宗教极端思潮和运动的新策源地。Iraq is becoming the new original place of religious extremism and campaign.

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我们必须面对的第一个问题是一切形式的极端主义。The first issue that we have to confront is violent extremism in all of its forms.

我们担心的是,极端主义并非反全球化浪潮中唯一的“主义”。Extremism is not the only "ism" that we need to worry about among the anti-globalists.

他们依据的是2002年通过的一项禁止极端主义言论的法规。They are helped by legislation passed in 2002 that forbids the expression of extremism.

主流右翼极端主义最突出的代表,是Fox新闻台的新明星格伦·贝克。Exhibit A for the mainstreaming of right-wing extremism is Fox News's new star, Glenn Beck.

袭击发生后,英国将极右极端主义列入反恐计划。After the attacks, Britain added far-right extremism to its planning for fighting terrorism.

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美国与东非国家合作反抗暴力极端主义。The United States has partnered with the countries of East Africa to counter violent extremism.

该国领导表示,在根除极端主义和交战状态方面,世界各国有着一致看法。The leader said there was an across-the-board consensus on rooting out extremism and militancy.

我们很难找到一个不反对极端主义的人,但是这实际上取决于政府如何运用这一法条。It is difficult to find anyone who is not against extremism but it depends on how the law is used.

奥巴马总统指出,双方应当团结一致,共同应对暴力的极端主义,促进和平事业。The president said they should unite to confront violent extremism and promote the cause of peace.

如此令人窒息的环境就为极端主义与恐怖主义的迅速繁荣提供温床。Such suffocating ambiance provides fertile grounds for extremism and terrorism to rapidly flourish.

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在英国,以及现在的德国,一些皈依伊斯兰教的人似乎对极端主义思想情有独钟。In Britain, and now in Germany, some converts to Islam appear to be particularly prone to extremism.

总的来说,教育在缓和外来极端主义方面的成就比军事力量的要大。Over all, education has a rather better record than military power in neutralizing foreign extremism.

哈马德国王表示,巴林和美国有着打击恐怖主义和极端主义的共同目标。King Hamad said Bahrain and the United States share a common goal of fighting terrorism and extremism.