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二战之后,林肯又一次在国际上被突出。Lincoln enjoyed a new international salience after World War II.

在网络化的时代,卓越突出是信息的唯一重要的特质。In the networked era, salience is the only significant quality of information.

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当然每一个通过YouTube转发的视频只为了一个理由—“卓越”。Yet every video forwarded through YouTube is forwarded for a reason – salience.

它的优势看起来和受质疑的实验目标的进化显著性相关。Its strength seems to relate to the evolutionary salience of the item in question.

虽然wiki为专门知识提供了一个渠道,然而它并没有跨过卓越这道鸿沟。Although Wikipedia provides an outlet for expertise, it does not cross the salience gap.

从原型理论来看语感图示构成一个连续体,而从突显观角度来看语感图示是辐射型的。They form a continuum from prototype perspective and are radiative from the salience perspective.

产生的主要原因为大兴断层的翘倾作用和牛驼镇凸起的抬升作用。The tilting of Daxing fault and rising of Niutuozhen salience is the main cause for the gliding structures.

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死亡提醒效应是指由于死亡提醒而引起的世界观防御或自尊寻求。Mortality salience effects refer to the worldview defense or self-esteem striving caused by mortality salience.

制约“用”字短语和“把”字短语位序的原则有时序原则、语义制约原则、照应原则和凸显原则。Which order is used is decided by principles of temporal sequence, semantic constraints, anaphora and salience.

此外,因顺应的意识程度不同所做的语言选择也需随着语境的变化而做出相应的调整。In addition, the making of choices will be correspondingly adjusted with different degree of salience in different contexts.

本研究旨在探讨产品技术层级、技术相似性,与品牌来源国形象对消费者品牌延伸评价的影响。The more international markets become, the greater the salience of Country-of-Origin effects on consumers products evaluation.

只有通过这样一个民主化与复兴之路才会真正减缓利比亚突出的持久分裂的国情。It is only such a process of democratization and reconstruction that would truly lessen the salience of Libya’s enduring divisions.

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这一腹侧纹状体伏隔核区域,与犒赏,激励和倍感卓越有关。The area is the ventral striatum, in the region of the nucleus accumbens, which has been associated with reward, motivation and salience.

多巴胺的角色通常与喜欢或者渴望相捆绑,它甚至可能还与一种名为突显性质的事物相捆绑。The role of dopamine is tied up with both liking and wanting, and it's probably even tied up with something more general called salience.

在本质上,印度应该把给予中国市场经济地位视为几乎完全非经济问题。In essence, India should look at MES for China as an issue whose salience rests almost totally in non-economic rather than economic domains.

这种单位流通业物流成本函数关系很好解释了物流配送的一个显著特点—集聚效应。The function relation about unit cost of circulating logistics has perfectly explained one salience of physical distribution—gathering effects.

如果结果受规则的启动顺序影响,则需要为规则指定不同的显著值。If the outcome were affected by the order in which your rules are fired, then you would need to specify a different salience value for your rules.

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本研究使用S1→S2范式研究中国人大脑隐喻加工模式是否与“等级显性理论”一致。In this research S1→S2 paradigm is used to test the consistency between the model of metaphor processing by Chinese and "graded salience hypothesis".

京沪高铁的建成,将使一条中国经济最具活力的“黄金走廊”进一步凸现出来。The High-speed Railway constructed between Beijing and Shanghai, will make the economic vitality of the "Chines Gold Corridor" salience in the further.

另外,不同研究结果的差异源自于对药物以及药物相关刺激价值的强化,而忽略了其他强化因素。In addiction, disturbances in salience attribution result in enhanced value given to drugs and drug-related stimuli at the expense of other reinforcers.