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下图是这个局部的再次放大。Here is even a further blowup of this region.

现在看这儿。这是条约的放大照片。Now look at this. It's a blowup of the treaty.

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我爆发之后,有一阵子关系还真僵。After my blowup it was really rocky for a while.

放大的照片显示出攻击者面颊上有块伤疤。The blowup showed a scar on the attacker's cheek.

凯莉把放大的结婚照发给了她所有的亲戚。Kelly sent a blowup of their wedding picture to all her relatives.

我们不知道,中国崩溃是否即将到来。We don’t know whether a Chinese blowup is around the corner or not.

我们在这里记录,这是感光片所拥有的东西的放大形式。And we record here. And this is the blowup of what is on that photographic plate.

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随着对中东动荡爆发的担忧减弱,能源价格呈现回落。Energy prices have been coming down this spring as fears of a Middle East blowup fade.

这并非摩根大通第一次在金融巨头垮台时受到人们关注。It isn't the first time J.P. Morgan has had a front-row seat for a giant financial blowup.

压力最终导致了爆破韦尔斯和豪斯曼之间,以及它们之间的伙伴关系结束。The stress ultimately led to a blowup between Welles and Houseman , and their partnership ended.

日志分析工具也需要了解这点并且在给予并非严格按时间顺序排列的数据时不要崩溃。Log analysis tools also need to be aware of this and not blowup when fed data that is not strictly chronological.

除了引发异常或者冒着缓存膨胀的危险将超时时间设置的足够长之外,似乎再没有什么其他的方法了。There seems to be no recourse except to cause an exception or set the timeout so long that you risk a cache blowup.

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2002年赛季末他曾有一次昭著的爆发,他不断叨叨着“谈谈训练”大概20次之多。In one infamous blowup at the end of the 2002 season, he repeated "talking about practice" nearly 20 times during a rambling monologue.

本文讨论具有非局部源的半线性抛物型方程组的初边值问题,得到了爆破指标和爆破率。In this paper, we consider the semilinear parabolic systems with nonlocal source. The blowup criteria and the blowup rate are obtained.

但美国的叱责也显示出两国关系正发生者变化,这使美国这个对以的支持者十分不安。But the blowup also shows that the relationship between the two allies is changing, in ways that are unsettling for Israel's supporters.

为了避免美日关系遭到破坏,需要双方对摩擦的本质有比目前更深层次的理解。Averting a U.S.-Japanese blowup will require a much deeper understanding of the nature of the friction than either side has shown so far.

也许你可以引爆一辆汽车,靠墙停住,堵住那扇门,或是用你的火焰喷射器融化出入孔把它关上。Maybe you could blowup a car and have it land against the wall blocking the door or use your flamethrower on a manhole cover to melt it shut.

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到今天我还是不知道如果我不对安提奥克的奖金发怒,他继续经营着全接入项目会怎么样。To this day I don’t know what would have happened if we’d avoided the big blowup over Antioco’s bonus and he’d continued growing Total Access.

兴许你可以引爆一辆汽车,靠墙愣住,堵住那扇门,或是用你的火焰喷射器熔化出入孔把它关上。Maybe you could blowup a car and have it land against the wall, blocking the door, or use your flamethrower on a manhole cover to melt it shut.

网络泡沫和随后的住房和信用危机突出了在投资决策中,心理巧合有时如何击倒理性的。The dot-com blowup and the subsequent housing and credit crises highlight how psychological quirks sometimes trump rationality in investment decision making.