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只是个抄袭者。Tommy is just a copycat.

2011年会是山寨横行掂旎年吗?Will 2011 be the year of the copycat?

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苹果是垄断者、抄袭者、行业霸王吗?Is Apple a monopolist, copycat and bully?

他花500元买了一个诺基亚5230的盗窟机。He spent 500 yuan on the copycat of Nokia 5230.

你认为抄袭者不劳而获的行为可恨吗?Do you think a copycat is hateful to make achievements out of nothing?

中国仍然受累于“山寨”仿造品制造者的声誉。China still suffers from its reputation of being a copycat manufacturer.

请勿过于高看创新,是时候正视山寨的力量了。Innovation is overrated. It's time to appreciate the power of the copycat.

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此后,类似的骚乱便蔓延至伦敦和英国其他地方。Since then, copycat riots have spread to other areas of London and Britain.

我讨厌琳达每件事都模仿我,她真是个跟屁虫。I hate it when Linda tries to imitate everything I do. She's such a copycat.

批评家会说这是模仿的车,但是这不也是日本汽车如何开始的吗!Critics say this is a copycat car, but that is how the Japanese auto industry started.

可是,就算在中国的互联网行业,我们今天能够看到的“成功”依然是复制。In the current IT industry in China, however, all "success" we can find is but copycat.

这种黄蜂并不传粉,相反它是以真正的传粉黄蜂为食的。This wasp is not a pollinator but rather a copycat that preys on real pollinator wasps.

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“对于大部分的模仿的犯罪者来说,其目的实际上是减少风险”,瑟特说。"With the bulk of copycat offenders, the goal is actually risk reduction, " Surette said.

使用广告标语和歌词的模仿秀比赛在互联网上不断涌现。Copycat competitions, using ad slogans and song lyrics, sprang up elsewhere on the Internet.

效仿者或用广告词,或用歌词,纷纷在互联网上一展风采。Copycat competitions, using ad slogans and song lyrics, sprang up elsewhere on the Internet.

我们可能倾向于认为中国互联网有许多如一潭死水般的抄袭者,但那是不确切的。We tend to have the view that China is some copycat Internet backwater, and that's just not true.

他们还警告不要渲染名人的自杀行为,因为它可能导致盲目的模仿自杀。They also warn against glamorizing the suicides of celebrities, which can promote copycat suicides.

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山寨里面陈三炮一个人开心的要命,香雪海看到了询问大哥为什么这么开心。Three a person inside the copycat Chen gun of happy life, xiangxuehai saw brother asked why so happy.

但事实上,多数模仿性的犯罪行为是非暴力的犯罪,如盗窃行为,瑟特说。But in fact, the majority of copycat crimes are non-violent offenses such as burglaries, Surette said.

他说,这一事件有些敏感,目前还没有可以阻止类似事件发生的有效方法。Li said the case is sensitive and no solutions have been put in place so far to prevent copycat incidents.