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滚回家吧!Go home!

慢慢来。Go slowly.

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边走边吃。Eat and go.

钓鱼去吧。Go fishing.

他必须走开”。He must go.

我可以去试一试。I could go.

我得走了。I gotta go.

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去还是留?Stay or go?

无车出行。Go car-free.

少外出。Go out less.

去滑雪橇。Go sledding.

向前直走。Go straight.

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伊娃,加油Go, Eva. Go.

你去玩吧。You go play.

让我们继续谈下往。Let us go on.

从来不外出。Never go out.

那就是了There you go.

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杨必须离开。Yang must go.

一切准备好了,出发。All set to go.

参加比赛并赢得胜利。Go in and win.