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当然,您不可以忽略可扩展性。Of course, you can't ignore extensibility.

这个模型的威力就在于它的可扩展性。The power of this model is in its extensibility.

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RPX是RequisitePro的可扩展性接口。The RPX is the RequisitePro Extensibility Interface.

它是关系数据库的可扩展性部分。It is the extensibility part of relational databases.

这种扩展性能的功用之一就是可以对健康状况进行监控。One use for this extensibility is for health monitoring.

同时它还可以制定扩展包来实现其良好的扩展性。Also it defines Package to realize its better extensibility.

每种模式提供的模块性和扩展性在程度上各有不同。Each of them offers various degrees of modularity and extensibility.

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MEF为运行时扩展提供了简便的解决方案。MEF presents a simple solution for the runtime extensibility problem.

了解灵活性的另一个方法是对将来的可扩展性进行评估。Another way to look at flexibility is in terms of future extensibility.

这通常是仿效关系数据库中可扩展性的结果。This is often a result of emulating extensibility in a relational database.

通过专门化,就有可能扩展到其他分类主题。Extensibility to other typed topics is possible through further specialization.

但是它还支持扩展性,因此您可以使用规范中没有的元素。However, it supports extensibility so you can use elements that aren't in the spec.

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应用框架可以增强大型应用软件代码的重用性和可扩充性。The benefits of OO application frameworks stem from the reusability and extensibility.

可扩展性定义了向现有代码中加入功能的难易程度。Extensibility defines the ease with which functionality can be added to the existing code.

可扩展性模型令核心XML配置语言可通过JAR插件包扩充Extensibility model allows the core XML configuration language to be enhanced by plugin JARs

新添加的插件功能进一步加强了服务器的可扩展性和易用性。The newly added plug-in feature further enhances the server's extensibility and ease of use.

它是高度递归的,而且MSXML解析器增加了对扩展性的脚本支持。It is highly recursive, and the MSXML parser includes script support for added extensibility.

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针对新数据类型的数据模型扩展性,支持系统和用户所定义的元数据。Data model extensibility for new data types, and support for system and user defined metadata.

VSAN是一种在光纤通道交换阵列中实现更高安全性和可扩展性的机制。VSAN is a kind of higher security exchange arrays and extensibility mechanism in Fibre Channel.

从而增加网格的可扩展性,实现非分层的分散网格系统。So the extensibility of grid is enhanced and the non-layer decentralized grid system is realized.