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吉林市船营新华书店。City boat battalion Xinhua Bookstore.

该镇由一营士兵驻守。The town was garrisoned by a battalion.

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阿尔摩利卡骑士团成员。A member of the Amorika Knight Battalion.

我的营长们确实都很不错。But I did have good battalion commanders.

你对管理营部有何想法?How'd you feel about handling the battalion?

杨潜入清营营救人质。Yang Qian rescues hostage into clear battalion.

我军派了一个营的兵力对三黄围展开了进攻。A battalion of our soldiers attacked the castle.

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代瓦伊迈村遭到以色列军队第89营的袭击。Dawayima was attacked by Israel's 89th battalion.

全营打了一个漂亮仗。The whole battalion fought a good fight and were.

装甲侦察营还是师里的反应最快速的作战单位。The battalion is committed to battle all together.

全营士兵从指挥官面前列队走过。The battalion marched past their commanding officer.

他加入了英国近卫步兵第一团第二营。He joined the second battalion of the Grenadier Guards.

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营长命令兵士们沿铁轨排开。The battalion commander lined his men along the railway.

在我到那的前一天,这个营失去了三名士兵。The battalion lost three men the day before I got there.

排长们在营房广场整理队伍。The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square.

这个营在营地广场上排成以连为单位的队列。The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square.

整个军队把我们紧紧地包围在包围圈中。A whole battalion of soldiers surrounded us in a tight ring.

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冷溪卫队一营军乐队在F·哥德弗雷先生的指挥下,为晚宴演奏。The band of the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards, under Mr. F.

这个营的士兵列队从营房齐步走向检阅场。The battalion marched from the barracks to the parade ground.

营以上的指挥员发给一匹马或一头骡子。Battalion commanders and up were entitled to a horse or a mule.