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这项建议在会上一宣布,她就站起来提出异议。She stood up and put in a demurrer once the proposal announced.

票据抗辩可以分为物的抗辩和人的抗辩两种。Bill demurrer can be classified into things'demurrer and persons'demurrer.

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票据抗辩源于民法抗辩,但有许多特殊之处。Bill demurrer originates from civil demurrer, but it has many specialties.

首先强调了建立异议登记制度的必要性和合理性。Firstly, it emphasizes the importance and the rationality of the registration of demurrer system.

这部分首先论述了我国建立异议登记制度的必要性和合理性。Firstly, it emphasizes the importance and the rationality of the registration of demurrer system.

当然也必须规定一些抗辩事由,以免阻碍信息流通。Of course, demurrer reasons are important to prescribe to the promotion of information-circulating.

双务合同履行中的抗辨权制度各国立法中均有规定。The demurrer system in the contract fulfilling has been stipulated in the laws of all the countries.

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在票据制度体系中,票据抗辩对实现票据法权利体系的内在平衡具有重要作用。In the system of bill policy, bill demurrer plays an important role in keeping the inner balance of the bill law.

预告登记并不能改变买卖合同所产生的法律关系,更不能因此而消除义务人的抗辩权。It does not change the legal relationships arising from the sales contracts, even can not eliminate the right to demurrer of obligors.

虽然大多数作品都有政治上的抗辩意味,但也表达了一种性化了的奴隶意识和附庸意识。Though many writings have the sense of something like political demurrer , they also express a kind of sexed ideology of slave and appendage.

初审法院字面理解,认为诉争土地是可终止完全所有权,并且同意了被上诉人的异议。The trial court interpreted this language as conveying a fee simple determinable in the disputed strip of land, and granted appellee's demurrer.

由于抗诉条件的限制,我国公诉案件被害人的抗诉请求很难实现。It is difficult to accomplish the demurrer request of the injured in our country's cases of public prosecution due to the restrictions of demurrer conditions.

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当事人对出庭的专业人员是否具备相应专业知识、学历、资历等专业资格等有异议的,可以进行询问。If the party has demurrer to the qualification of the expert witness, like the professional knowledge, education background, he can inquire the expert witness in court.

预备登记是为了保障有关登记请求权而实施的一种登记,包括预告登记和异议登记。Pre-registration system is the kind of the registration pursuing to protect the relative right of registration application, including the forenotice registration and the demurrer registration.