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这就是所谓的疤痕性眼睑外翻及可能的后续伤口或烧伤。This is called cicatricial ectropion and may follow wounds or burns.

目的探讨腋部瘢痕挛缩的防治方法。Objective To explore the treatment of axillary deformity caused by post-burn cicatricial contracture.

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目的探讨瘢痕性眼睑畸形的手术方法及其效果。Objective To investigate the clinical effect of surgical treatement of cicatricial blepharon deformities.

目的探讨瘢痕子宫再次妊娠的分娩方式。Objective To determine the appropriate labor modalities for secondary pregnancy of women with cicatricial uterus.

目的探讨食管癌合并瘢痕性幽门梗阻的手术方法。Objective To search the surgical methods of esophageal carcinoma complicated with cicatricial pyloric obstruction.

目的观察眼睑再造术对眼睑缺损、疤痕性眼睑退缩的治疗效果。Aim To observe the effect of eyelid reconstruction in treatment of bl epharocoloboma and cicatricial lid retraction.

目的探讨瘢痕子宫中期妊娠者行利凡诺引产的可行性及安全性。Objective To study the feasibility and security of abortion by rivanol on metaphase pregnancy of cicatricial uterus.

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目的探讨皮肤软组织扩张术修复大面积瘢痕性秃发的临床应用。Objective To investigate the clinical application of skin soft-tissue expansion in repairing large cicatricial alopecia.

由远段向近端切取皮瓣,修剪皮瓣远端成为真皮下血管网皮瓣,转移修复踝部缺损。To explore the reverse subdermal vascular network flap of lateral lower leg in repairing of cicatricial contraction of ankle.

目的探索显微毛发单元移植治疗因各种原因引起的瘢痕性秃发的新技术。Objective To explore a new method of follicular unit grafting for treatment of cicatricial alopecia caused by various factors.

结果全部患者均能消除秃发瘢痕,术后随访1~2年,头发生长良好。Results The cicatricial alopecia in all the 38 cases was repaired and the hair growth was excellent during 1-2 year follow-up.

目的探讨儿童食管严重瘢痕狭窄的治疗规律及食管重建术的若干技术要点。Objective This study reviews the technicalities of surgical treatment of severe cicatricial stricture of esophagus in children.

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结论颈肩扩张皮瓣是修复颈部瘢痕挛缩畸形的一种较好方法。Conclusion Preexpanded cervical-shoulder skin flap is available for the treatment of cicatricial constructure deformity of neck.

目的应用多个“Z”瓣成形达到松解蹼状疤痕挛缩,恢复肢体形态和功能。Objective The method of multi-"Z"-flap plastics is adopted to release web-shaped cicatricial contracture and restore shapes and functions of the limbs.

蹼状或条索状瘢痕挛缩的局部整复方法很多,而对于片状瘢痕挛缩尚缺乏有效的方法,尤其是较宽的片状瘢痕挛缩。There are many local plastic methods for webbed or band cicatricial contracture, but there are short of effective ways for patchy cicatricial contracture, especially wider one.

目的探讨外伤或义眼台取出术后致上睑提肌瘢痕粘连所致上睑下垂的手术治疗。Objective To investigate the surgical treatment of ptosis induced by levator palpebrae superior muscle cicatricial adhesion after trauma or intraorbital implantation being taken out of.

结论外路法上睑提肌缩短前徙可有效治疗上睑提肌瘢痕粘连所致上睑下垂。Conclusions Outer pathway shortening and anterior transposition of levator palpebrae superioris is usefull to treat ptosis induced by levator palpebrae superior muscle cicatricial adhesion.

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目的探讨轻度瘢痕性上睑外翻的患者,如何在行同侧重睑成形术时,应用上睑眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣旋转后进行修复。Objective To investigate a method for upper cicatricial ectropion correction using a rotated orbicularis oculi myocutaneous flap in the unsatisfied pre-operative construction of double eyelid.

目的基于眼轮匝肌的解剖特点和借鉴其它学者的经验,从美学角度探讨瘢痕性睑外翻的最佳修复方法。Objective To investigate the best method to repair cicatricial ectropion from the aesthetic view on account of the anatomical feature of orbicularis oculi and the experience of other scholars.

结合Z成形术和矩形瓣成形术设计了一种阶梯形皮瓣成形术。经临床应用于治疗片状瘢痕挛缩24例,效果满意。Authors, combining Z-plasty with rectangle flap plasty, design a ladder-shaped flap plasty by which 24 cases of patchy cicatricial contracture were treated and satisfactory effects were obtained.