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这里是第一个样本的现象9600黑金刚。Here is the first samples of Phenom 9600 Black Edition.

为何这位34岁的球星成为最性感的男人之一。Why is the 34-year-old soccer phenom one of the sexiest men alive?

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勒布朗也有基因的,要做成一个长期肢篮球现象。LeBron also had the genes necessary to spawn a long-limbed basketball phenom.

处理器现象9600黑金刚将出现在市场上,在未来几天。The Processor Phenom 9600 Black Edition will appear on the market in the coming days.

第一,我们所谓的青少年足球精英居然连最基础的足球技术也没有好好的掌握。First, our so called soccer phenom had not even mastered the simplest of soccer skills.

这种狂欢意识与早先的民间文学有很大的相似性。The analysis would help us on the carnivalization phenom of net literature and the colour of folklore.

无论是个体解决方案或是企业系统应用,AMD羿龙处理器都有能力去实现它。Whether it's a single solution or an enterprise system, AMD Phenom processors have the power to perform.

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但后来证实,这位12岁的选手实际上要大两岁,也就没有参加少年联赛的资格。But the 12-year-old phenom turned out to be two years older, making him ineligible for Little League play.

伊尔10岁就由祖父带领入门射击,并被认为是射击届的天才。Hill, who took up shooting at the age of 10 thanks to her grandfather, is considered a phenom in the shooting world.

美国游泳天才菲尔普斯星期四晚上在200米个人混合泳比赛中夺得他的第22枚奥运金牌。U. S. swimming phenom Michael Phelps earned his 22nd career gold medal in the 200 meter individual medley Thursday night.

同时,全体配音演员还包括一个新的成员——流行艺人贾斯汀·汀伯莱克给菲欧娜的表兄亚瑟配音。Also joining the ensembles are a panorama of new guests, including pop phenom Justin Timberlake as Fiona's wayward cousin Arthur.

但这名前一年级明星现在受到曾于南加州大学和高中时期接受非法好处的指控。But the former freshman phenom is now the subject of allegations that he received illegal benefits while at USC and in high school.

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而仅仅过去了72个小时不到的时间,这位从医转政的小凤凰就发现自己由于以令人尴尬的立场为掩饰,似乎很难传达茶党的信息。Less than 72 hours later, the ophthalmologistturned political phenom wasn't sending out messages so much as hiding out in astate of radioactive embarrassment.

爱德华的在Airventure的上述言论有助于我们理解为什么Phenom在上半年的销量下降,而同一时期竞争对手则报告销量上升。Edwards' remarks at the AirVenture show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, help explain how Phenom deliveries declined in the first half even as rivals reported increases.

在他膝盖受伤之前,整个赛季就是湖人这位优秀球员的爆发旅程,让人们铭记他是NBA最有发展前途的大个子之一。Prior to his knee injury mid-way through the season, the Lakers phenom was well on his way to a breakout season, carving his place as one of the NBA's best up-and-coming big men.