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在歌词中,Schwartz先生很完整地展现了整个故事。In his libretto Mr. Schwartz tells the story well.

唱词清楚,曲调动听,成为有名的民歌手。Libretto clear melody sounds, become a famous folk singer.

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或者沿用东芝Libretto的双屏幕么?Or something along the lines of the dual-screen Toshiba Libretto?

唱词类似戏曲唱词,句式长短富于变化。Similar opera libretto libretto, changing the length of sentence.

此超越性主题的最终建立,很大程度上有赖于一批特殊的唱词。The establishment of this theme depends on some special libretto to a great extent.

歌剧的故事会写成歌词-----可以编写音乐的剧本。The story of the opera is written as a libretto , a text that is easily set to music.

我不敢自称,我们配的歌词是好诗,但是它是这些乐曲得以表达的工具。I do not claim that our libretto was good poetry but it served as a vehicle for the tunes.

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当然了,在戏剧开始前先读一读剧本对你理解整个剧情十分有帮忙。If you want to go to an opera, you should read the libretto first, then you'll understand the story better.

当我只将Libretto视作一个有意思的概念时,我并没有发现标准口袋电脑的实用价值。While I found the Libretto an interesting concept, I didn't see the benefit of it over a standard tablet computer.

目前已在推进计划,把剧本翻译成中国古典白话——这本小说最初就是用这种语言写的。Plans are already underway to translate the libretto into the classical Chinese in which the novel was originally written.

从那时起,他从事过各种不同项目的制作,包括共同创作艾尔顿·约翰的百老汇音乐剧“阿依达”。Since then he has worked on a variety of projects, including co-writing the libretto for Elton John’s Broadway musical “Aida”.

这部经改编的音乐剧的动态布景包括以书法形式打出的歌词和传统绘画投影。Calligraphy renditions of the libretto and original paintings will be projected as a dynamic staging for the musical adaptation.

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这样嘲弄还不满意,他又邀请这位评论家到他家里,当着他的朋友的面大声朗读这一剧本。He was still unsatisfied mocking him, therefore he invited the critic to his house and read him the libretto aloud in front of his friends.

盛宗亮决定把焦点放在小说核心的三角恋爱上,并且说服一开始拒绝了邀请的黄哲伦与他联手创作剧本。Deciding to focus on the central love triangle, Mr. Sheng was able to persuade Mr. Hwang, who had rebuffed initial requests, to write the libretto.

此处藏龙卧虎,特特请各位有才有闲有爱的知识分子,请教唱词里两句的英译。好让丽娘有机会赚进点绿背。Place where dragons and tigers are hiding here, very very special Members who have only a love of intellectual leisure, consult a libretto in two sentences into English.

但是反过来看,或许尤为重要的是如果网络上有了,我们就可以在家中下载歌剧剧本,而不必去图书馆或者书店。On the other hand, perhaps there is something to be said for the convenience of downloading a libretto in one's own home rather than looking for it in a library or book store.

这种“骑驴看唱本”的等待直接影响到与之密切相关的家装建材行业,形成了有效的连锁反应。This "donkey look libretto" of waiting is closely related with a direct impact on the home improvement building material industry, the formation of an effective chain reaction.

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即便独立于音乐之外进行阅读,该歌剧剧本深情而又不乏反讽地刻画出本雅明既有瑕疵又感人至深的人物性格。The libretto Shadowtime, which can be read independently of the music, presents both a loving but also ironic portrait of Benjamin-a character as deeply flawed as he is sympathetic.