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这些年我一塌胡涂。I was messed up for a longtime.

一些老用户十分气愤。Some longtime users were furious.

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那是芝加哥长期以来的惯例。And that was a longtime Chicago tradition.

羽毛球拍上线要多长时间?How longtime should the line be on the racket?

我的一个老朋友也表示支持。A longtime friend of mine seconded our opinion.

年,伽利略的一位长期朋友成为教皇。In 1623, a longtime friend of Galileo's became the Pope.

湖人资深顾问德克斯温特打算要参加本次盛会。Longtime Lakers consultant Tex Winter is planning to attend.

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华盛顿特区在纪念永垂不朽的新闻记者提姆•罗泽特。Washington D. C. is remembering longtime newsman Tim Russert.

若是你租了阿谁套间,你会在那里住很长工夫吗?If you rent that apartment, will you stay there for a longtime?

我妈妈那时79岁,是一个长期的吸烟者,即将死于肺气肿。My mother was 79, a longtime smoker who was dying of emphysema.

但是史蒂芬索德柏和他长期合作的剪辑师麦可康恩却不这麽想。But Steven Spielberg and his longtime editor Michael Kahn don't.

他还是摇滚乐队“冷水公寓”的长期鼓手。He was also a longtime drummer for the rock band Cold Water Flat.

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和我们一起住了很久的一个邻居,刚刚安装了一个巨大的户外泛光灯。Our longtime neighbors just mounted a gigantic outdoor floodlight.

现年51岁的塔隆,正一步步实现着自己长期以来想要摄影的愿望。Now 51, Telon is fulfilling his longtime wish of taking photographs.

夫将担任角色设计工作。Dezaki's longtime collaborator Akio Sugino will design the characters.

即使长期投资者也抱怨朝令夕改。Even longtime investors complain that the rules seem to keep shifting.

甚至德国——美国长久而可靠的盟友——都拒绝认同这一战争。Even Germany, a longtime and faithful ally, refused to endorse the war.

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许多在合肥居住了很长时间的居民还在努力地适应这些变化。Many of Hefei's longtime residents still struggle to comprehend the changes.

长期作为营养咨询师,天底下什么样的借口我没有听说过。As a longtime nutritional counselor, I have heard every excuse under the sun.

但是作为一个忠实的湖人球迷,我希望你可以在紫金湖人退役。But as a longtime Laker fan, I want you to retire in a purple and gold uniform.