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2005年,第9号台风“麦莎”和第15号台风“卡努”先后影响上海。In 2005, No. 9 Typhoon "Maisha" and No. 15 Typhoon "Kanu" affected Shanghai one by one.

在英超射手榜上,德罗巴以8个进球与Doyle和卡努并列榜首。He also heads the Premiership scoring chart together with Doyle and Kanu with eight goals.

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卡努从1月份开始就没有踢过一场完整的比赛,今年他在联赛中只进过一个球。Kanu hasn't played a full game since 1 January and has one League goal to his name this year.

在周二晚阿森纳主场队米德尔斯堡的联赛杯半决赛第一回合中,卡努将上场。Kanu WILL play in the Carling Cup semi-final first leg against Middlesbrough at Highbury on Tuesday night.

卡努昨天开始训练,他希望能面对他老东家阿森纳。但是他的膝盖被雷德克纳普形容为“有一点疼痛”。Kanu trained yesterday and would like to face his former club Arsenal but his knee was described by Redknapp as "a bit sore".

他一个巧妙的晃动晃倒了德胡伊,卡努接着踢出一记弧线球,打进球门的上角。Ed de Goey was slithered past with a subtle shimmy before Kanu unleashed a curling effort which arrowed into the far top corner.

然而,卡努值得纪念的最佳时刻是在1999年斯坦福桥17分钟内的帽子戏法。However the moment Kanu will best be remembered for was the mesmeric finale to a 17-minute hat-trick at Stamford Bridge in 1999.

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米克尔以进攻中场身份主场对阵乌干达,处理角球让卡努最终取得了球赛唯一入球。Mikel, playing attacking midfield, takes the corner from which Kanu ultimately scores the only goal of the game at home to Uganda.

亨利是云格的首选,若柏金留队,他将要和简奴及韦托特争余下一个前锋席位。With Thierry Henry as the first choice striker up front, Bergkamp will be competing with Kanu and Sylvain Wiltord for the second striker position if he stays.

吉奥·范布隆克霍斯特与卡努相互配合,然后想把球输送至皮雷所行驶的左路快车道上。A minute after the interval Pires made it six with the goal of the night. Gio van Bronckhorst exchanged passes with Kanu and tried to thread the ball into the left channel for Pires to run on to.

对于普茨茅斯来说,他们希望坎贝尔将是他们这周正在谈判的四笔交易中的第一笔成功的交易。其他三个正在谈判的球员是曼城的希尔文·迪斯丁,大卫·詹姆斯还有自由球员,也是前阿森纳射手卡努。As for Pompey, they hope Campbell will be the first of four signings this week with Manchester City pair Sylvain Distin and David James plus free agent and ex-Arsenal striker Kanu all set to follow.