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伊丽莎白容忍了萨拉的搞怪。Elizabeth tolerated Sarah's antics.

李洁因为她略显滑稽的行为吃到了第二张黄牌。Li received a second yellow card for her antics.

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孩子们让小丑的滑稽动作逗得哈哈大笑。The children laughed with glee at the clown 's antics.

姿态古怪的牛羚常常叫人忍俊不禁。The antics of wildebeests are often clownish and entertaining.

他们那些不真实的滑稽表演也一样破坏了音乐。They spoiled the music just the same, with their antics and unrealities.

最好别让他提起莎拉•卢卡斯和她对香烟的那些古怪的处理。Don't even get him started on Sarah Lucas and her antics with cigarettes.

前总统克林顿与莱温斯基在办公室中的性丑闻就几乎把他从总统宝座上弹劾下来。Bill's antics with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office nearly got him impeached.

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他的滑稽动作和个性带来了一定的可接近到严峻课题。His antics and personality brought a certain approachability to a grim subject.

我们继续前进,这位司机的某些古怪动作增添了旅途的乐趣。As we went on, our journey was enlivened by some peculiar antics of this driver.

我倒是宁愿看小鸟,但有时会被那些松鼠的滑稽模样逗乐。I’d rather watch birds but sometimes I’m entertained by the antics of squirrels.

把这些事实与如今新闻上那些笨拙的俄罗斯间谍对比吧。Contrast that with the cack-handed antics of the Russian spies in the news today.

有一个黑暗势力背后不败'莫名其妙古怪,他们先要找到它。There's a dark force behind the Poppers ' baffling antics and they've got to find it.

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他的这些可笑的举动无一赢得了他的东家——皇家马德里的欢心。None of these antics will have endeared him to his employers, Real – "Royal" – Madrid.

孩子与家长们的欢笑声填满了校园。As the mood of the festival set in, laughter and role playing antics filled the campus.

虽然许多的参赛者关注一些稀奇古怪的事,诸如将机器人打扮成恐龙。Though many of the racers focused on antics like dressing their robots as dinosaurs, Mr.

还是仅仅是想淡出媒体视线,将国际注意力引向自己政体的古怪举动?Or is he merely lying low in order to draw international attention to his regime’s antics?

除非能引导北韩停止卖弄核武,否则东亚永无安宁之日。There will be no stability in East Asia until he can be induced to cease his nuclear antics.

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新闻媒体有意夸大总统的噱头,过分炒作,结果像是上演了一出滑稽剧。The president's antics have been over-dramatized and over-cooked , resulting in a media circus.

这个星期,前美林集团CEO约翰·塞恩的滑稽举动让华尔街目瞪口呆。Wall Street has been transfixed this week by the antics of former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain.

金凯瑞最出名的就是他在银幕上疯狂夸张的动作,总引起观众的阵阵狂笑。Carrey is best known for his crazy antics on screen that get howls of laughter from the audience.