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神是我的牧者。God is my Shepherd.

告诉你我放得可好了。I am a good shepherd.

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牧羊人和他的羊群。The shepherd and his sheep.

牧羊人开始着急起来。The shepherd began to worry.

但是耶稣是一个好牧者。But Jesus was a Good Shepherd.

牧羊人是看守羊的人。A shepherd is a tender of sheep.

牧羊人狄克对著指甲吹气。And Dick the shepherd blows his nail.

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牧羊人赶着羊回家了。The shepherd led the sheep back home.

你叫贝利医生和谢弗德医生了吗?。You paged Dr. Bailey and Cr. Shepherd?

乡间牧人小伙,跳舞又唱歌The shepherd swains shall dance and sing

要是心愿能指望,羊倌个个当国王。If wish may prevail, shepherd will is king.

羊跟着放羊的转进村庄。Sheep follow the shepherd into the village.

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我们也别忘了大卫,他也不过是个牧羊人。And David, let’s not forget, was a shepherd.

不久以后他遇到了牧羊人叶忒罗。Before long he met a shepherd called Jethro.

牧羊人勉强地答应了。The shepherd grudgingly gave his permission.

牧羊人引领羊下了山。The shepherd guided his sheep down the hill.

他是带领羊群的牧者。He’s the shepherd who wants to lead the sheep.

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他的脑海中浮现出一个年轻牧童的形象。In his mind, he envisioned a young shepherd boy.

无用的牧人丢弃羊群有祸了。Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock!

你不可能打败这只德国狼犬的。You have no way to beat this big German shepherd.