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她被无线电话的线给绊倒在地。She tripped over a cordless phone.

我们也应该避免使用无绳电话。We should also avoid cordless phones.

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莫妮卡拿着无绳电话出来。Monica comes out with her cordless phone.

你选择普通无绳电话还是智能无绳电话呢?You decide an ordinary cordless phone or Techtalk?

在包括无线和有线来这些手机的样式。These phones come in both cordless and corded styles.

无绳来电显示电话使用很方便哟。The cordless telephone with caller ID is user-friendly.

你妈妈这么笨,她的脚肯定被无绳电话绊倒过。Your mum's so stupid she tripped over a cordless phone.

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无绳电热水壶现在可能是多数厨房的固定设备。The cordless kettle may now be a fixture in most kitchens.

我正拜望一位朋友时,她找不到自己无线电话。I was visiting a friend who could not find her cordless phone.

我几乎忘记了无绳电话不能拿到室外。I almost forgot that cordless phones can't be taken out of the house.

所以,朋友,别扔掉你的车库门遥控器或无绳电话。So, don't toss out your garage door openers or cordless phones, people.

其实,我的妈妈是日本人,所以我出生时,我来到了无绳。In fact, my mom is so Japanese that when I was born, I came out cordless.

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Lisa蜷缩着躲在厨房餐桌后,手里还握着那个无绳电话。Lisa huddles behind the kitchen counter, still clutching the cordless phone.

CT2是全数字式第二代无绳电话产品。CT2 is the second generation products of complete digital cordless telephone.

被起诉的发明是第一汽车点烟器。The invention in question was the first cordless automobile cigarette lighter.

那些彼此长时间拧在一起的日子可真是很久没有过了啊。Those early days of screwing longer than a cordless screwdriver are long over.

镍镉电池的适用对象无所不包,从无线起子机到紧急照明灯皆有。NiCad batteries have powered everything from cordless screwdrivers to emergency lights.

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斯科特•麦金托什拥有无线带锯签约许可生意和热心的客户群。Scott McIntosh has a licensing deal for his cordless band saw and an eager customer base.

所以当看到你的厨房台面上有小强,最好使用无线吸尘器。It’s better to use a cordless vacuum cleaner when you see one crawling on your countertop.

手机电话薄通过数字无绳使用座机一键快捷呼出。Call the number in mobile phone contacts with digital cordless telephone through one touch.