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杰克想找个地缝钻进去。Jack intended to find a chink to infix.

他透过帘子之间的缝隙偷看。He peered through a chink in the curtains.

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我可以听到汤匙在玻璃杯里铿铿作响。I could hear the spoons chink in the glasses.

可是,这个观点有隙可乘。There is. however. one chink in this argument.

他透过墙缝暗中监视他们。He watched them secretly, through a chink in the wall.

阳光穿过窗帘的缝隙照射到室内。Sunlight enters the room through a chink in the curtain.

先是“嗖”的一声,然后是“啊”的一声,最后“咣”的医生,车子停住了。There was a whirr, a scream, and a chink. The car stopped.

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我的手指夹在门缝里,压的又青又紫。My fingers is lined in the door chink that is bule and purple.

还真的有这歌曲?这厮就该捉起来关黑屋。That was a real song? I thought this chink was just having a seizure.

她肯定在什么地方有弱点。我们能找到它就好啦!She must have a chink in her armour somewhere. If we could only find it!

那怕只露出一条小缝或者一个钥匙孔,它就会象一支白热的箭直射进来。Grant it but a chink or a keyhole, and it shot in like a white -hot arrow.

我起身走向篱笆,站在篱笆前好一会儿透过一个裂缝偷看对面。I went up to the fence and stood for a long while peeping through a chink.

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你完全想象得到,那样的小洞根本不可能保护兔子。I leave you all to think If such a little chink Could to a rabbit give protection thorough.

他们的结论第一次对新陈代谢健康型肥胖的概念提出了质疑。Their results provided the first chink in the armour of the metabolically healthy obese concept.

可是,每周穿着黑蓝黄相间的衣服出来一两次的最佳公民却发现有个问题。But Prime, who patrols once or twice a week in a black, blue and yellow costume, found one chink in his armor.

但他们也没能从整个相对论之中找到一丝漏洞,来撬开整个相对论理论的甲胄。But nor have they found a chink in the armour of relativity that they could use to prise the whole thing open.

微长的头发向后绑起,透过门缝我可以看到他那帅气英俊的一面及背面的侧影。His hair was long and tied up at the rear. I could see his beautiful and handsome side & rear profile through a chink in the door.

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我刚才提到的傍晚时刮起的微风现在已经变成了大风,呼啸着从这简陋木屋的每个缝隙钻进来,不停地在地板上撤下一层细细的沙雨。The cold evening breeze, of which I have spoken, whistled through every chink of the rude building, and sprinkled the floor with a continual rain of fine sand.

马具的响声变成了钱币的叮当,五分钟之内签署的支票数目竟有台尔森银行在国际国内业务中三倍的时间签署的总量。The rattle of the harness was the chink of money, and more drafts were honoured in five minutes than even Tellson's, with all its foreign and home connexion , ever paid in thrice the time.

街角上酒店的门开得大大的,他看到那些灯光和含笑的女侍者,听到很多人都在谈论这次比赛,他还听到了柜台上生意兴隆的丁当直响的钱声。The doors of the public house at the corner were swinging wide, and he saw the lights and the smiling barmaids, heard the many voices discussing the fight and the prosperous chink of money on the bar.