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无齿的中国队令球迷愤怒!!!Toothless China incur Fans' Fury! ! !

再长点的旅途则会稍微收点小钱。Longer trips will incur a small charge.

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消费者所产生的基础设施成本作为可变的运营成本Buyers incur infrastructure costs as variable OPEX

不要吃夜宵,吃夜宵很轻易招致瘦削。Don't eat supper, eat supper very easy incur gaunt.

更重要的是,更多的消费是即兴的。What's more, many consumptions incur in an impulse.

怕金太夫人会招致极刑。Afraid of gold TaiFuRen will incur capital punishment.

如果你不去缴纳滞纳金,那么你就得交更高的滞纳金。If you don't pay your late fees, you incur higher late fees.

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一个分裂的国家必须担负过度高昂的政府费用。A disunited nation has to incur unduly high costs of government.

否则,可能会招致透支或退票费。Otherwise, you may incur fees for overdrafts or returned checks.

用低阶的线性内插会带来较大的镜像噪声。The low-order linear interpolating will incur more aliase noise.

*欧洲或者世界其他地方,可能需要付出额外的邮费。Europe and Rest of World rates will incur additional postage costs.

日志是缺省启用的,只带来最小的性能开销。Logs are enabled by default and incur minimal performance overhead.

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“莫名其妙!”是你在江湖上一致的评语。"it is absurd" are the words you might incur in the literary world.

在金融领域中,如果你不去偿还一项过失,那么你就得缴纳滞纳金。In financial terms, if you don't pay off a debt, you incur late fees.

你是否由于银行取款机不方便而要支付ATM用度呢?Do you incur ATM fees because your bank's machines are not convenient?

有这个相位的人倾向于在某种程度遭受讨厌和冷落。The natives are likely to incur their disfavor or dislike in some way.

对于必须使用该应用程序的人来说,需要为其付出多大的开销?How much overhead does the application incur for those who must use it?

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别忘记购船之后接踵而来的许多相关开销。Don't forget the many related costs you'll incur after the boat purchase.

因此,一个处于分裂的国家必须要支付过高的行政管理费用。A disunited nation therefore has to incur unduly high costs of government.

因此,一个处于分裂状态的国家必然要支付过高的行政管理费用。A disunited nation therefore has to incur unduly high costs of government.