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从这个意义上来说,教育和卫生属于姐妹关系。In this sense, education and health are a sisterhood.

跨越重洋的兄弟姐妹的爱。An across the ocean brother and sisterhood kind of love.

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教育和卫生是相互加强的姐妹关系。Education and health are a mutually-reinforcing sisterhood.

我们坐下来,享受一杯茶和我们的兄弟之情与姐妹之情。We sit down, enjoy a cup of tea and our brotherhood, sisterhood.

如您所见,我们古老的姊妹会现在陷入莫名的诅咒之中。You see, our ancient Sisterhood has fallen under a strange curse.

我是阿卡拉,目盲之眼这个修女会的高等女教士。I am Akara, High Priestess of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye.

我不敢相信自己的耳朵,我们的姐妹情谊哪去了?I can't believe my ears. What happened to the tenets of sisterhood?

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盲眼姊妹会具有一段悠久而高傲的历史。The Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye has a long and distinguished history.

『目盲之眼』修女会曾经有一段长久而闻名的历史。The Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye has a long and distinguished history.

甚至有人说,一个女生,可以没有爱情,但是一定不能没有姐妹淘。Some people even said, a girl, can not love, but must not be not sisterhood.

这不但没有使女性丧失价值,反而更促进了人际关系与家庭和睦。It's not letting the sisterhood down but holding on to values of relationships and wellbeing.

虽说过段时间会再回北京,可我们不能像以前那样天天见面了。Although she will come back to Beijing, she can't meet us like before, days of sisterhood gone.

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他们正经历着兄弟姐妹般深深的爱,这爱存在于整个银河系。They are experiencing deep love of brotherhood and sisterhood that exists throughout the galaxy.

当你们戴着这些手链的时候,你们将记着我们的姐妹情谊有多深。When you wear these bracelets, you will always remember just how strong the bonds of sisterhood are.

这些可怕的女性不属于军队的一员,也不属于艾露恩姐妹会和。These deadly women were not a militia, nor were they considered part of either the Sisterhood of Elune or the.

她组织了一个新的名为哨兵的全女性部队,并且颁布命令这支部队直接隶属于月神修女会。She organized a new all-female army, the Sentinels, and decreed that it would be directed by the Sisterhood of Elune.

女人们用女性主义把所有人都搞得怒气冲天,但是我们首先需要接受彼此的姐妹情谊,并学会共存。Women get all riled up about feminism, but we first need to accept each other in the sisterhood and learn to co-exist.

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至于泰兰德,她已经是月神修女会的一个见习女祭司,已经很难让她献身于女神之外的其他神明。For her part, Tyrande was already a novice in the Sisterhood of Elune and so had dedicated herself to the goddess above all others.

作品两次使用翻版-仿佛是绘画的古旧镜像,使姐妹关系更亲密。The Double is at play twice in this diptych as the moldy mirror image of the painting reinforces the closed world of their sisterhood.

起初,来自艾露恩姊妹会的志愿者们组建了守望者队伍,因此其成员构成只有女性暗夜精灵。At first, volunteers from the Sisterhood of Elune made up the Watchers , and so the organization was composed solely of night elf women.