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晚上,杰可伯在港口徘徊。At night, Jamb hung about at the harbor.

然而,塞缪尔·约翰逊的jamb赢得了胜利。However, Samuel Johnson’s jamb won the day.

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许多人包括杰可伯都自愿帮忙。Many men including Jamb volunteered to help.

我的背脊不断地撞击着圆柱壁。My back is hitting the round post jamb unceasingly.

可以,它在第一层,在柱子的旁边。这是地图。Yes, it's on the first floor, next to the jamb. Here's a map.

如果不采矿柱矿山经济效益将急剧滑坡。Ifthe jamb -mine isn'texploited, theeconomic benefit will godownrapidly.

针对拦焦车除尘罩设计存在的不足,炉头除尘效果差的改造存在的问题,提出了下一步整改方案。This article pointed to the deficiency of dust hood designing and jamb dust preventing, put forward the improving pian.

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在F10键安装配置,可直接煎饼解析器具有一门框螺母及伺服环栓更换。The F10 mounting configuration allows for direct pancake resolver replacement featuring a jamb nut and tethered servo ring.

该架F15安装配置,可直接煎饼解析器具有一门框螺母及伺服环栓更换。The F15 mounting configuration allows for direct pancake resolver replacement featuring a jamb nut and tethered servo ring.

是的F21安装配置,可直接煎饼解析器具有一门框螺母及伺服环栓更换。The F21 mounting configuration allows for direct pancake resolver replacement featuring a jamb nut and tethered servo ring.

据报纸报道,铅珠很可能在袭击到小孩之前碰到门框而减慢了速度。The pellets reportedly passed through a door jamb before striking the teen, likely slowing their velocity, according to the paper.

弯曲是指门页自身引起的变形,不牵涉由于门页悬挂在门框或边框上引起的变形。Warp is any distortion in the door itself, and it does not refer to the door in relation to the frame or the jamb in which it is hung.

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在这个自由申请房子腻子门门框重塑完成视频从专家和有经验的木匠家检查员学习技巧。Learn tips for applying putty to door jamb in this free house remodeling video from an expert finish carpenter and experienced home inspector.

了解如何填塞修补时,在这个自由门门框的房子改建完成视频从一个木匠,经验丰富的专家验房。Learn how to caulk when refinishing door jamb in this free house remodeling video from an expert finish carpenter and experienced home inspector.

门框上的三条线既表示公司以做木线起家,同时表达公司在木业领域的精湛工艺及强大实力。Jamb on the three lines not only that the company started to do wood line, the expression of the wood in the field of technology and superb strength.

了解有关应用胶带修补在这家的门门框重塑免费视频从一个木匠,经验丰富的专家完成验房。Learn about applying tape to refinish a door jamb in this free house remodeling video from an expert finish carpenter and experienced home inspector.

了解有关申请第二底漆在这个自由来修补房子的门门框重塑从专家和有经验的木匠家里完成检查视频。Learn about applying second primer coat to refinish a door jamb in this free house remodeling video from an expert finish carpenter and experienced home inspector.

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通过建立三维有限元弹塑性力学模型,模拟计算了水平矿柱上各盘区的屈服破坏过程。A three-dimensional finite element model was constituted to simulate the yield process of the macro-horizontal jamb in the tectonic stress field caused by continuous mining.