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有关措施并非针对墨西哥公民,没有歧视性。The measures are non- discriminative and not targeted at Mexican citizens.

区别式模型还可能发现,某些文字会抵消彼此的作用。Discriminative methods can also discover that certain words cancel each other out.

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密度板的重量主要以其密度值进行区别。The weight of density board basically undertakes discriminative with its density value.

与其他判别训练算法不同,MSR算法直接使用阶梯形函数作为其损失函数。Unlike other discriminative methods, MSR directly takes a step function as its loss function.

通过设计有效的启发式特征搜索算法,获得了判别能力更强的高阶特征。An efficient heuristic search algorithm is proposed to obtain discriminative high-order features.

专念于刹那以及刹那在时间中的连续,便能获得分辨的知识。By making samyama on single moments and on their sequence in time, one gains discriminative knowledge.

问题与矛盾是两个既相联系又相区别的具有不同质的概念。Question and contradiction are two relative and discriminative conceptions, they have different intention.

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同时对当前社会生活中与此相关存在的若干观念作了辨析。Also, a discriminative account is made of some concepts correlationally existing in present day social life.

这第一声,意味着我国自计划经济时代沿袭下来的歧视非公有制经济的政策取向成为历史。This means the discriminative regulation trend of circumscribing the Non-Public Economy is turning to be history.

结果显示,对于中文依存句法分析,决策式句法分析在性能上好于产生式和判别式句法分析。The results show that, for Chinese dependency parsing, action-based parsers outperform generative and discriminative parsers.

基于国外经验,五金件的好坏已成为区别橱柜好坏的重要标志。Be based on foreign experience, hardware the important mark that stand or fall already made discriminative ambry stand or fall.

而且当你有专业的下注庄家,吸引的客人多半都会比价。And when you got experts in bookmaking and the customers, the kind of customers they attract, they are rather price discriminative.

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海马CA1区锥体细胞在视觉分辨任务执行过程中的放电时相存在有规律的移动。Regular shift of discharge phase of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells emerges before and after performing visual discriminative task.

工业设计应注意将趋异性原则与渐进性原则相结合,针对不同的产品以及产品不同的时期采取相应的策略。Industrial design should be used with discriminative tactics, and take corresponding tactics at different products and product differ.

在媒体自律精神不足,他律的法律约束又未上路的情形下,未来恐怕还有更多的歧视广告在台湾媒体出现。Such kind of discriminative advertisement would still appear as the media lack self-regulating practice and regulative law isn't ready yet.

一般认为,区别脓细胞尿与白细胞尿并无实际价值,有价值的是白细胞的数量。Think commonly, make water of discriminative pus cell and leucocyte make water do not have real value, valuable is the amount of leucocyte.

为此本文提出了利用区分性向量空间模型对各语种中关键音素组合进行建模的语种识别方法。A novel approach is proposed for language recognition using discriminative vector space model to describe language-dependent key-phone N-Grams.

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试验表明,这种机器人指端具有良好的识别能力和稳定抓握能力。The experimental results indicated that the fingertips of this kind of robot possess good discriminative ability and stable grasping capability.

1月25日青年联盟对游行中人们呼喊的“宗派和歧视”口号表示抵制,并且谴责了那些反对者。Protests were condemned by the Coalition of the Jan. 25 Youth, who rejected the "sectarian and discriminative" slogans chanted in demonstrations.

提出一种基于可判别超平面树的生成模型图像标注方法。In this paper, an image annotation method is proposed which augments the classical generative model with the proposed discriminative hyperplane tree.