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完成07财年年度计划并通过安全执行局审批Complete the FY 07 Annual Plan and secure Board approval.

据国务院提供的数字,在2009财政年度,领养人数不到13,000人。In FY 2009 fewer than 13,000 were adopted, according to State Department figures.

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有关的样品则将在2011财年开始对外发货,产品的量产则会随后很快跟进。Sample shipments of products are planned for FY 2011, with volume production to follow.

美国国防部近日提交了其2007财年预算请求,共计4393亿美元。The US Department of Defense has submitted its FY 2007 budget request for $439.3 billion.

想要fy是这个,但我们知道,那我们根据它来计算。f We want f sub y to be that.But we know what f is, fy so let's compute f sub y from this.

斜盘对柱塞的反作用力F分解为轴向分力Fx和垂直分力Fy。Oblique plate on the plunger of the reaction force F is decomposed into axial force Fx and vertical Fy.

去年的2006财年预算,于2005年2月提交,最后在2005年12月30日签发。Last year\'s FY 2006 budget, introduced in February 2005, was finally signed into law on December 30, 2005.

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与原FY型耐腐蚀液下泵相比,具有体积小、效率高、节能效果好,运行可靠等优点。It has little volume, high efficiency, power saving, operating liability compared with former FY series corrosive vertical submerged pump.

目前东方1-1气田三甘醇再生废气处理技术已推广应用到番禺30-1气田。This method thoroughly resolves the treating problem of triethylene glycol regenerating waste gas and has been applied in FY 30-1 gas field.

我用彩粉笔来写,如果对它关于y求偏导数,会得到一个完全不同的式子对于。Let me try to use color for this. Now, if I take the partial of this with respect to y, fy I am going to get a different formula for f sub y.

“风云一号”气象卫星姿态控制系统采用了三轴稳定对地定向的主动控制方案。The three axis stabilized Earth oriented attitude control system adopted by FY 1 meteorological satellites represents an active control concept.

奈尔表示,他希望,09-10财年年底,印度将从主要出口市场——美国和欧洲获得订单,这将帮助印度纺织服装行业的复苏。Nair expressed his hope that by the end of FY 09-10 the key export markets US and Europe will be in a position to place potential orders and it will help the T&C industry to recover.

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具体而言,我们致力于在2012财政年度把在中国和巴西的签证审理数量增加三分之一,这两个国家是签证申请数量增加最多的国家。Specifically, we are committed to increasing visa adjudications by one-third in FY 2012 in both China and Brazil, two countries where we have seen the greatest increase in visa demand.