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这是一辆福特车。This is a Ford.

我要买辆福特车。I'll buy a Ford.

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我要一辆福特雅士。I want a Ford Escort.

我是福特公司的王力。I'm Wang Li from Ford.

福特•普里菲克特一动不动地坐着。Ford Prefect sat still.

我是福特公司的林建。I'm Lin Jian from Ford.

您的车是白色的福特。Yours is the white Ford.

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你能讲讲汤姆•福特吗?Can you describe Tom Ford?

约翰•福特终于掌权了。John Ford came in at last.

当时,我就有这辆'56福特车了。I had this car, a '56 Ford.

福特六和汽车。Ford Lio Ho Motor Co. , Ltd.

所有的目光都集中在福特•普里菲克特身上。All eyes were on Ford Prefect.

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约翰·福特是要创造神话。John Ford was a maker of myth.

不过马蒂和弗兰西斯·福特·弗兰克·昆丁又是另一回事了。Marty and Francis Ford. Frank.

迪肯说,“所以,福特也非常想要平行雨刮。So Ford wanted parallel blades.

你一定是福特公司的李明先生吧?You must be Mr.Li ming from Ford.

我觉得汤姆•福特很棒。I think that Tom Ford is wonderful.

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他有福特汽车的独家代理权。He has the sole agency for Ford car.

福特国际公司的史蒂夫。葛林。Steve Green with Ford International.

福特汽车和穆拉利的工作则要容易得多。Ford and Mulally's job is much easier.