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请你教我如何使用筷子好吗?Would you please show me how touse chopsticks?

不过你恐怕得撑一个星期的拐杖才行。But I am afraid you have touse crutch fora week.

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有一种方法是使用隐喻提取技术。One way of doing this is touse a metaphor elicitation technique.

如果你决定用我们的产品,保证不会使您失望的。If you decide touse our products, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

假如你决定用咱们的产业商品,保证不会使您失望的。If you decide touse we objects, I'm certain you won't be disappointed.

想要有效的使用英语,你需要了解语言使用国的文化。Touse English effectively, you need to understand the culture in which itis spoken.

英语学习不能死背书上的内容,要能用自己的话把英语给说下来。English study cannot die the content which endorses , must be able touse own speech for to say English.

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他们认为最好还是利用监管来识别并平息金融系统中风险的危险累积。Better they argue touse regulation to identify and defuse dangerous accumulations of riskin thefinancial system.

以一宿舍屋顶光伏系统为例,探讨在有限面积上设计安装光伏建筑一体化发电系统,使得建筑面积能最大化地被利用。Discussed the design and installation of BIPV power system in a limited roof area, in order touse roof area as much as possible.

认证后根据认证服务器结果控制端口开放状态,并通知申请者使用网络资源。Andthen, thestateofportswascontrolled according totheauthentication result, and give notice to supplicant touse network resource.

他甚至怀疑他的教练要求学员们用它仅仅是为了让所有的人看到他的行踪。He secretly suspected his instructor required the students touse them for her own purposes, simply to keep track of everyone in thewater.

如果您需要有人在从现在起几个月内培训您如何使用数据库生成报告,可以请志愿者来做。If you need training on how touse your database to generate reports for a grant deadline several months fromnow, a volunteer might be perfect.

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宾夕法尼亚州大学的一位语言学教授希望将出行边界应用于自己的地域方言界线研究。A professor of linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania wants touse the travel boundaries in his studies of regional dialect boundaries.

一群黑猩猩似乎对自己的影像很感兴趣,在镜子附近逗留了一段时间,有几只似乎还用镜子来梳妆。And groups of chimpanzees seemed to cope with their reflection and they spent time near the mirror, while some appear touse it to preen themselves.

可能一些人想利用国旗表明自我,认为任何担心或者愤怒的行为都是失去信仰的象征。Maybe that's the intent of some, touse the flag as a assertion of who they are, but believing anyone wouldbe scared or take offence is beggaring belief.

一旦生产设备换型或改造,这样的系统一般都无法再利用得重新购买新的管理系统。Once production equipment trading or the transformation, such system generally all is unable touse again repurchases the new management system management system.

在几个星期之内花工夫准备好这个文件要比到时候匆忙赶出来要好得多,尤其是当你有急用的时候。Taking a little time overthe course of several weeks to work on this document is better thanrushing to complete your resume all at once, especially if you need touse it in a hurry.

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因而在半干旱黄土区的荒山、荒沟,营造沙棘林,能有效利用水土资源,这是快速治理荒山,提高土地生产力的有效途径之一.。So, in semiarid loess region establishing seabuckthorn woodlands is effective avenue touse effectively resource of water and soil, improve land productivity, and to speed harnessingbarren hills.