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我在这儿等了三个小时。He esperado aquí tres horas.

如果能把三只戒指同时戴上,该有多酷。It would be tres cool to wear all three at a go.

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里奥斯在塞沃两名全职员工操作和维修设施。At Tres Rios two full-time employees operate and maintain the facility.

最大的一头有两米高,两只鹿角甚至有两米多宽。The largest was two me tres tall, and his antlers were more than two metres across.

塞沃奥斯和其他地区人工湿地的湿地增加了国家。Tres Rios and other constructed wetlands are increasing wetland areas within the state.

因此,如果你希望香槟喝起来特别好的话,一定要保持冷藏,同时倒酒的时候要像倒百威啤酒一样。So if you want your champagne très bon, keep it cold. And pour that bubbly like it's Bud.

但亚伯还要对付托雷士和阿尔盖特修女,他现在就像是热锅上的蚂蚁。But they could do nothing and they have to deal with Tres and Sister. Aldgate. Now he is a cat on hot brick.

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我们成功弄懂了,模型中变量的重要性,非常重要,非常重要,对吧?On a reussi a deceler l'importance des variables dans le modele C'est puissant. C'est tres tres important. Ok?

私商,无照营业者侵犯贸易垄断企业的人,例如在有特许权公司的经营范围内从事未经许可的贸易活动。One that tres passes on a trade monopoly, as by conducting unauthorized trade in an area designated to a chartered company.

第三代高尔夫球场和俱乐部提供了惊人的罗伯特·哈格的太平洋海景设计的18洞球场。The Tres Vidas Golf Course and Club offers breath-taking Pacific Ocean views of the Robert Von Hagge-designed 18 hole course.

1989年,华纳兄弟继续与和“蝙蝠侠与罗宾”有三个不同的球员,每个与“蝙蝠侠”,“蝙蝠侠归来”。En 1989, Warner Brothers continúa con "Batman", "Batman Returns" cony "Batman y Robin" con tres diferente actores en cada una.

入口处的草坪种了成排长长的山桃草,针茅以及狼尾草,轻盈,可爱而且很别致。The lawns near the entrance were planted with long strips of gaura, stipas and Pennisetum villosum, airy, lovely and très chic.

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如果你很懂时尚或者对卖家很信任的话,你可以花很少的一部分新衣服钱让自己成为时尚潮人。But if you have a good eye for fashion or trust the salesperson you can look tres chic for a fraction of the cost of buying new.

对冲向后只是无法沟通,我们的一些海外客户,所以我们将他送到语言学校,现在他说话特雷斯良好。Hedge Backwards just wasn't able to communicate with some of our overseas customers, so we sent him to language school and now he speaks tres good.

酒店也非常靠近主要的冲浪海滩,并且酒店内有一个储存室让您可以存储您的冲浪板。Chillout Hotel Tres Mares also has an outdoor swimming pool, where you can spend the day soaking up the sun, in between refreshing dips in the water.

法院记录显示,古雷特共被拘捕250余次,罪名大多是违法侵入、非法行为等。Goodlett has been arrested more than 250 times previously often on misdemeanor criminal tres passing and disorderly conduct charges court records show.

的特雷斯塞瓦斯体育酒吧和烧烤将健康食品和与原采取传统的体育酒吧,一个微妙的拉丁风格的因果设置的。The Tres Ceibas Sports Bar & Grill merges healthy food and a causal setting with a subtle Latin flair for an original take on the traditional sports bar.

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一度淹没水生植物生长在塞沃里奥斯深潭,但被吃掉了罗非鱼种,非本土鱼类,冲入泳池。At one time submerged aquatic plants grew in the Tres Rios deep pools, but they were eaten by a species of tilapia, a non-native fish, that got into the pools.

珠江轮胎多年从事斜交胎的开发生产,今年主推自主开发的子午胎,请问是什么原因让咱们公司做出这种决定的?The pearl river tires engaged in the development and production of bias tres for years, this year has independent to develop radial tire, what is the reason for making this decision?