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我决非拘泥于权威的人。I am no stickler for authority.

你拘泥于细节和数据。You're a stickler for details and data.

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人们发现她是个拘泥的人。People find her a stickler about trifles.

它们说明你保守、正式,而且固执己见。They say that you are conservative, formal and a stickler.

甚至给天马博士配音的尼古拉斯凯奇也是个坚持准确的人。Even Nicolas Cage, who voices scientist Dr. Tenma, was a stickler for accuracy.

工作一忙起来,她会把人逼到极限,而且对细节的要求非常苛刻。She would push people to their limits when things got busy and she was a stickler for detail.

如果你对内部细节很在意,而且不需要额外的空间,你可能仍会锺情于捷达。If you are a stickler about interior details and don't need the extra space, you might still prefer the Jetta.

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自称坚持原则的科尔曼眼下不再开违章停车罚单,不过仍在负责联防队的工作。The self-described stickler for rules says he has stopped writing parking tickets for now but continues to run the Crime Watch's office.

Stickler称,通过行使买入选择权,美银提高了在未来出售新股的灵活性.By exercising the call option now, BofA "starts the clock" and increases its flexibility to sell the new shares down the road, Stickler said.

我们只是希望包含的要素都正确,因此我们做了很多案头工作,但并不过分执着于某种方法。We just wanted to get the elements right, so we did do a lot of research on that, but not the stickler research where it had to be a certain way.

Stickler称,董事会将在周五之前组成提名委员会来掌控整个进程.迄今为止,董事会尚未通过猎头公司来寻找CEO人选.Bank of America's board will form its nominating committee that will steer the process by Friday, and has not yet retained an executive search firm, Stickler said.

Stickler不愿就有关美银考虑出售建行股份的臆测置评,称"我们已经和中国政府进行了数月的商谈.我们所做的一切都是经过与中国政府和建行管理层磋商的.""We've been in talks with the Chinese government for a number of months. Anything we do is in consultation with them" and with the management of CCB, Stickler said.

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Stickler称,刘易斯接受这一要求,因为他认为"若他与负责薪酬监督的政府官员产生争执,将不符合美国银行的利益".Lewis acceded to the request because he felt "it was not in the best interest of Bank of America for him to get involved in a dispute with the paymaster," Stickler said.

Stickler表示,临时CEO将替代Lewis最多两年的时间,在此期间,董事会和内部候选人将有时间来进一步熟悉情况.The interim executive could replace Lewis for up to two years to allow the board and the current slate of internal candidates more time to familiarize themselves with one another, Stickler said.