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沙漠中的海市蜃楼是一种假象。A mirage in the desert is deceptive.

他走到哪里,却总有人感恩戴德。He go to where, but someone deceptive.

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热带集权国家具有欺骗性。Tropical totalitarianism is deceptive.

但是,这种简洁是一种假象。Yet, this simplicity can be deceptive.

各种各样的忽悠手段是防不胜防的。Various deceptive means are hardly preventable.

梅德琳的厚信原来是骗人的。The thickness of madeline's letter proved deceptive.

没有什么比一个显而易见的事实更能迷惑人了。There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.

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消费者安全并预防欺骗行为。Consumer's safety and prevention of deceptive practices.

策略模式疑兵计价格由100木调整为175木。Deceptive forces stratagem's lumber cost changed from 100 to 175.

不过,基于每千瓦成本对这些可选方案进行比较具有迷惑性。But comparing alternatives on a cost per kilowatt basis is deceptive.

每一篇文章内容,可能产生误导作用或欺骗。Each article contained content that could be misleading or deceptive.

我已认不清自己,感觉镜子里的从来的都是骗人的。I have recognized so clearly, never feeling the mirror are deceptive.

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尤其是对生命科学,更要谨慎,不可妄言。Especially for life science, more careful, do not deceptive philosophy.

另一方面,有时候广告是具有诱-惑性和欺骗性的。On the other hand, sometimes advertisements are tempting and deceptive.

然而,这件非凡器物的脆弱和转瞬即逝的特征只是假象。However, the fragility and ephemeral nature of this unusual object is deceptive.

标示要求、消费者安全并预防欺骗行为。Labelling requirements, consumer's safety and prevention of deceptive practices.

说谎之人担心被发现,而这种担心或许会显现出来。A deceptive body is concerned about being found out -- and this concern may show.

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有充足的证据证明罗斯柴尔德家族继续着那一欺诈传统。There is plenty of evidence to prove the Rothschilds continue that deceptive tradition.

你可能会发现其他用户的信息具有攻击性、有害性、不准确性或欺骗性。You may find other user' s information to be offensive, harmful, inaccurate, or deceptive.

相反的,在我的经验里,一个谦虚的人比较不可能欺瞒。On the contrary, people who are humble are the least likely to be deceptive in my experience.