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复印店。Print shop.

我喜欢购物。I like to shop.

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网球用品专门店。Tennis pro shop.

烤肉店内景。BBQ shop interior.

不要再肚子饿的时候逛街。Don’t shop hungry.

你会去哪儿购物呢?Where do you shop?

好的,这是一个商店。OK, this is a shop.

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我管理这个铺子。I'm ruing this shop.

诺城,糖果店。Norwich, candy shop.

我认得那家商店。I recognize the shop.

我们这里没有商店。There is no shop here.

这家商店经售体育用品。This shop sells games.

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请问,礼品店在哪?Where's the gift shop?

免税店在哪儿?。Wheres a tax-free shop?

你能来我们档口吗?Can you come to my shop?

店Hayneedle幼儿床消防车。Cot fire Hayneedle shop.

不要驾车到太远的地方购物。Don't drive far to shop.

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这是一家迷人的商店。This is an amazing shop.

这间商店什么时候开门?When will the shop open?

可到了那一看,店门紧关。But then, shop door shut.