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这个问题值得深入研讨。This is a problem worths probing in to.

他老是用一根杆子探测硬雪。He kept probing the crusty snow with a pole.

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他们摆好打架的架势,并开始了试探性的攻击。They squared up and began to engage a probing attack.

但是,这往往局限于小的探查演练。But this is often limited to small probing manoeuvres.

他提的那些尖锐、盘根究底的问题都表明他思想敏捷。His sharp, probing questions showed a quickness of mind.

我不喜欢刨根问底的,是也许真的没有太多的理由。I do not like probing is probably really not much reason.

该方格网还用来进行放射性浅孔测量。The surveyed grids were also used for radiometric probing.

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教学不仅是一种意向性的行为,同时它又是一种探究性的行为。Teaching is not only an intentional act but also a probing one.

他站在那观察它的阴影,追寻萦回不散的回声。He stood there probing its shadows, tracing its lingering echoes.

不支持探测重载和多态的函数。Probing of overloaded and polymorphic functions is not supported.

本研究对动觉进行了实证与理论探讨。It was a probing research on the theory and practice of kinesthesis.

在非穆斯林大嚷警报之前,这个问题需要更多的摸索。The issue is ripe for more probing before non-Muslims sound the alarm.

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传感器适用于高速数据收集以及视觉单点探测。They find use in high-speed data collection, visual one-point probing.

我用舌头舔我那颗虫牙,感到牙齿上的空洞在变大。Probing into my bad tooth with my tongue, I could feel the enlarged hole.

我们也和中国的一些品牌商在探讨合作的事情。We are probing into the cooperative thing with some brand traders of China too.

用那种追根究底的提问来挖掘自己所需的信息非常有效。Probing questions are particularly useful for digging out the information you need.

文章拟用语言分析的方法对稼轩词中的对话描写及其表达功能进行初步的探析。This article is aimed at probing into the dialogue and its function in description.

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魅夸克有另一种特性,在探测夸克胶子介质时相当有用。Charm quarks have another characteristic useful for probing the quark- gluon medium.

侦检机关对逮捕证据标准应该统一认识。The probing agencies should have a shared system of criteria of evidence for arrest.

威廉姆斯特别擅长突破和爵士队的挡拆配合。Williams is particularly adept at probing defenses and running Utah's pick-and-roll.