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那个士兵急忙冲向散兵坑。The soldier made a dive for the foxhole.

在那里没有办法可能挖一个大的散兵坑。There was no way we could dig a foxhole.

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我在稻草里挖了一个散兵坑,蹲在里面看情况。I dug a foxhole in the straw and sat watch.

我知道,但在这散兵营,你压根找不着钢琴来合奏。I know, but it's hard to fit a piano in a foxhole.

散兵坑里不存在无神论者。There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.

别和比你勇敢的战友躲在同一个散兵坑�。Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you are.

别和比你勇敢的战友躲在一个伞兵坑里。Nerver share a foxhole with anyone braver than you are.

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他一生中从来没有像那一回那么勇敢。Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than yourself.

Otts中尉回忆“我所呆过的最好的散兵坑。Lieutenant otts recalled "the best foxhole I ever stayed in."

永远别跟比你勇敢的战友呆在同一个散兵坑里。Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than yourimmolation.

我离开那个猫儿洞的速度之快,要是拍成电影的话,会象出膛的子弹一样。A movie of me leaving that foxhole would look like a shell leaving a rifle.

如果人们跟你掩藏在一个散兵坑里,他们是否相信你能够保护并帮助他们?If people are in a foxhole with you, do they trust you to protect and help them?

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这对于我而言极其重要,因为这样我就能完全相信那些和我在同一战壕并肩作战的伙伴。It's incredibly important to me that I can implicitly trust the people I'm in a foxhole with.

我们创造了一个在本质上基于感官和世俗价值的社会,这样的社会需要散兵坑。We create a society essentially based on sensate value, on worldliness, which necessitates the foxhole.

我们为散兵坑辩解并宽恕它,然后,在散兵坑里或轰炸机下我们希望找到上帝,爱。We justify and condone the foxhole and then, in the foxhole or in the bomber, we hope to find God, love.

如果你在寻找上帝,你将不会在散兵坑里,但是如果你在那儿并且在寻找祂,你将会知道怎么做。If you are seeking God you will not be in a foxhole but if you are there and seek Him you will know how to act.

在Muck和Penkala阵亡的隔天早上,我看到一个士兵试图徒手挖掘散兵坑。The Morning after the shelling killed Muck and Penkala, I saw a soldier try to dig a foxhole with his bare hands.

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一如513团其他士兵所为,在两块白色大理石墓碑之间,甘贝尔列兵和他的伙伴杰克大挖散兵坑。Gabel and his baddy Jake dug their foxhole between two white marble headstones, as dido ther members of the 513th.

你知道你正坐在那里,坐在一个狐穴散兵坑里揉搓同伴的脚,而他也揉搓你的脚,以防止你得上战壕足。You know you're sitting there in a foxhole rubbing your buddy's feet and he's rubbing yours so you don't get trench foot.

我把头从政治搏斗的壕沟中小心地探了出来,发现一切似乎在归于平静,只有远处仍旧有依稀的争斗。Raising my head out of the political foxhole here on the battlefield, all seems quiet. Only distant rumbles becoming weaker.